Consequences of Plagiarism
Information Sharing
Unintentional Plagiarism
Forms of Plagiarism
Related Issues
When professional writers, such as journalists, are exposed as plagiarists, what is likely to happen?
Lose their jobs and suffer public embarrassment

What is information sharing?

Innumerable documents on a host of subjects that are posted on the internet for the purpose of being shared.

Is most plagiarism intentional or accidental?

The most blatant (obvious) form of plagiarism is to . . .

Obtain and submit as your own a paper written by someone else.


If you must complete a research project to earn a grade in a course, handing in a paper you already earned credit for in another course is deceitful. What should you do if you want to rework a paper that you turned in for another course?

Ask your current instructor.


Students exposed at plagiarists may suffer severe penalties. Name two penalties.

Failing the assignment and dropping a letter grade for the class.


It's ok to upload exams from a class to an information sharing site such as Coursehero.

No, sites such as this facilitate cheating and take intellectual property belonging to the professor and university.

Why does plagiarism sometimes happen to researchers?
They do not keep precise records of their reading, and they have forgotten whether their summaries are from quoted material.

You are a bit sloppy when taking notes for a paper and do not remember that you used a direct quote from your source. This leads to...

Accidental plagiarism


If collaborating on a group project, how would you give credit to each person?

You could document the names as a collective effort, or you could document the names and state the task(s) that each person completed.


Students who plagiarize harm what? How?

Themselves. They miss out on opportunities to gain knowledge.


DAILY DOUBLE! I should be concerned about downloading materials from information sharing sites. Why?

Do not know the accuracy and origin of the material. It may be copyrighted. It also robs you of the learning experience.

To guard against the possibility of unintentional plagiarism during research and writing, keep careful notes that always distinguish among three types of material. What are these three types?
Your ideas, your summaries and paraphrases of others' ideas, and exact wording you copy from sources.

Suppose, for example, you want to use material from a well-known book for your research paper. You find a few sentences that would be perfect in your essay, but you have too many direct quotes and don't want to include any more; therefore, you decide to paraphrase the wording. How would you avoid plagiarism in this situation?

Include an in-text citation and document the source in your works cited.


When conducting academic research on human subjects in a particular setting, what are two things that you must do before beginning your research?

Receive consent from the human subject as well as the institution where you are conducting the research.


ChatGPT's proper use

To help generate ideas


When it comes to information sharing, what is it that students are often misinformed about?

When students buy a research paper, they think it is their own, but it is the same as buying a book. It must be cited.

What is the surest way, when you are working with notes, to avoid unintentional plagiarism?
Only write direct quotations in notebook.

DAILY DOUBLE! Other less conspicuous (noticeable) forms of plagiarism include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when . . . *Provide 2 out of the 3 examples.

1) Repeating or paraphrasing another's wording 2) Taking a phrase 3) Paraphrasing another's argument or presenting their thinking.

Most summaries, paraphrases, and brief quotations in research papers are permissible with appropriate acknowledgement, are you able to reproduce copyrighted work?
Yes, with permission from the owner.

My professor accuses me of plagiarism. The professor can just fail me on an assignment.

No, the professor needs to follow the university's policy on academic integrity and report the suspected deed.


How are publications a "special kind of property"?

You can own them physically, but the publisher or author retains the rights to the content.

Another kind of unintentional plagiarism happens when . . .?
Students write research papers in a second language.

"Everyone uses the word 'language' and everybody these days talks about culture . . . 'languaculture' is a reminder, I hope, of the necessary connection between its two parts." If you want to quote the phrase "languaculture" in your essay, how would you cite the author without putting the author's last name in the in-text citation? *There are two things you need to do.

Include the author's name somewhere in your sentence and include the page number in parentheses at the end of your quote. For example, "Michael Agar uses the term "languaculture" (2017) to describe . . . (p. 21)"


One of your classmates asks to borrow your paper, saying they want to make sure they are doing it correctly. Should you be concerned?

Yes, it's good to help but you lose control of your own work when you lend it out.