What animal was of great importance to Native Americans during this time?
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
Which robber baron had three fireplaces in his dining room?
What were tenements?
Small, one room apartments shared by 2-3 (or more) immigrant families
What is a monopoly?
When a company dominates an industry
What battle/massacre ended the war?
Massacre at Wounded Knee
Most of the people who worked on the railroads were..
Which robber baron is responsible for US Steel and General Electric
JP Morgan
What is nativism?
Preferring native-born, white Americans over "new" immigrants.
Why was this era name the "Gilded Age"?
The term "gilded" suggests that the era was covered up by a thin layer of gold, hiding the underlying poverty and corruption.
What major event is often seen as the "turning point" in the war, from the prospective of Native Americans?
Battle of Little Bighorn
The process of burning the impurities off of Iron to convert it into steel
What is horizontal integration?
The process of buying out and/or merging with other companies in your industry until you become the dominant company.
What was Ellis Island?
The processing center for European immigrants arriving to New York
Who were Exodusters? Why did they leave their homes and where did they go?
Former enslaved people in the south. Were escaping racism and prejudice. Most migrated to Kansas
Name 3 examples of what Native American children went through at boarding schools.
Answers will vary
What is the name that Native Americans gave to the Transcontinental Railroad?
"Iron Horse"
What is vertical integration?
The process of buying out raw material producers and distributors.
What did the Chinese Exclusion Act do?
Banned Chinese immigration to the US for 10 years AND barred any current Chinese immigrants from obtaining US citizenship
What happened at the Haymarket riot?
Labor strike. Rally to protest police violence towards strikers. Bomb went off, shots were fired, and about a dozen people were killed.
What did the Dawes Act do? How did this impact Native Americans?
Divided up reservation land into allotments that were distributed to individual families. This divided Native American societies by giving them individual ownership of land instead of community-owned. Any remaining land was given to white settlers.
Name an invention, describe what it does, and explain clearly how the invention has had a large impact on the world today.
Name 3 tactics that Robber Barons used to become rich/stay in power
- Vertical integration
- Horizontal integration
- Lowering (then raising) prices
- Bribing politicians
- Paid low wages
Provide 2 examples of how American citizens persecuted immigrants during this time period.
Why is the Gilded Age referred to as a "melting pot" by some?
The blending together of cultures in America due to high immigration numbers