This period is from 12:13-1:06
What is Period 5?
Under keeping our school clean, If you see trash on the ground, it is a principled action to....
The tardy bell
This word is the core of the 3 big student responsibilities and expectations.
What is Respect?
You should write this in your planner the day it is assigned.
What is homework?
This period changes to advisory on Wednesdays
What is Period 6?
Regarding lockers, you are being a thinker when you do what to other people's lockers?
What is NOT touching?
This person is responsible for making up missing assignments and tests.
A Wolf Warning needs to be returned with a parent signature within __ hours.
What is 24?
Teachers might do this at the end of a period.
What is a planner check?
Core classes are ____ minutes long.
What is 53?
Regarding computers, you should only go to this kind of website.
What is teacher approved?
The school is a "THIS" FREE zone.
3 of these will result in a wolf warning
What are tardies?
Writing this down will help you get things in ON TIME.
The building opens in the mornings at this time.
What is 7:30?
Practicing this when you are "just messing around" is knowledgable
The definition of "regular attendance"
what is 90% or above?
Students will recieve ___________ when they are showing positive behavior.
Planners should definitely come to this class.
When there is light inclement weather, school starts at this time
What is 9:45?
OTA wants to establish traditions of ______, ______, _______, and ______.
What is courtesy, cooperation, friendliness, and an attitude for respect for people and property?
Plagiarizing words or phrases found in books, the internet, or online resources is a violation of this policy
What is Ms. Hafer calling home?
Located at the front of the planner, this will help you reunite with your planner if you lose it.
What is YOUR NAME?