When a learner is engaged in a conversation with he/she peers and consistently debating through the process of understanding each other through clarification, paraphrasing, and confirming strategies
What is negotiation of meaning
One effective way to increase student thinking.
What is slow down the overall pace of the discourse.
What is the name of the process when a teacher supports a student through conversation in order for the student to become more explicit, grammatical and complete when having conversations.
What is collaborative process
What is the ability to make language comprehensible by using: mother native tongue orally or through written or visuals.
What is Comprehensible Input.
What does ELL stand for?
What is English Language Learners
Most common teacher-student interactions that have been observed by many language researchers over
What is traditional talk
What students use to record and write on.
What is journal notes
What type of work provides an environment in which less confident student feel comfortable when they are paired together.
What is group work
Learners need opportunities to take part in extended interaction rather than being consistently asked to provide one or two words to answer questions.
What is Comprehensible output
School curriculum that is taught in two different languages: classes are taught in English and in Spanish.
What is Dual Language Education
Collaborative student-centered group work plays a central role in developing this range of communicative functions, when group provides important peer scaffolding.
What is models appropriate language?
When teachers rush to cover a topic, students will lack what?
What is academic work lost.
What type of sheet can a teacher provide to scaffold students when they are designing an experimental process or are solving a math problem.
What is thinking sheets
What facilitates second language learning comprehension.
What is spoken language support and classroom context provided.
Group learning offers opportunities for students to develop what?
What is language development
What are the three steps called when : 1- teacher initiates a question, 2-student responses to the questions and, 3- teacher gives positive of negative feedback.
What is IRF or IRE.
A strategy when the teacher gives students 2-3 extra minutes to form an answer.
What is student time to think
Which activity do you need a set of pictures that show a predictable sequence- Life Cycle.
What is picture sequencing
Who says that individuals operate at the outer boundaries of their zone of proximal development
What is Vygotsky
What kind of talk supports second language learning?
What is meaningful and focus talk
Comprehensive output could lead to __ times when learners are pushed beyond their comfort zone.
What is Stretched or "Pushed" Language.
What is the question and answer sequences that demonstrating problem-solving strategies and encourage students to take an active role when they are communicating.
What is key features of supportive teacher talk.
What are 5 ways to make teacher-student talk more supportive of ELL content and language.
What is
1-Extending teacher-student exhanges.
2-Giving students time to think.
3-Appropriating and recasting student language
4-Encourage literate talk.
5- Making responses expliciting.