Define simple leaf
A leaf with only a single leaf blade and incision
What is the name of the female reproductive plant part?
pistil; comprised of the stigma, style, and ovary
Simple fruits develop from a _______ ovary
General rule: Plant your seeds no more than _____ _______ the depth of the seed
two times
Define Node
The location on a stem where all leaves and stems originate from
Define Transpiration
The movement of water upwards through the stem to the leaves, leaf's way of "sweating- excess water is released through the stomata
What is the male reproductive plant part?
Stamen; comprised of the anther and filament
Which plant part matures into fruit?
The ovary
What is the function of the radicle in a seed?
This is the embryonic root which will develop into the primary root of the plant. It is usually the first part of the embryo to push its way out of the seed during germination.
Define Internode
the sections of stem in between the nodes which transport water
Define Adventitious Roots
Roots which emerge from places other than root tissue
It functions to trap more pollen to be used for fertilization
An apple is an example of a ___________ fruit.
What is germination?
the development of a plant from a seed or spore after a period of dormancy
Define Complete Flower
Flowers that contain all four reproductive parts (sepals, petals, pistil, stamen)
Define Root Cap
Epidermal cells on the tip of a root to serve as the protection for the root as it moves through the soil
How does fertilization occur in flowers?
Achieved through pollination: where pollen is transported to ovules to produce viable seed
What is a dehiscent fruit?
dry fruits which open at maturity and shed the contained seeds
What does a plant's hardiness zone mean?
The ability of plants to endure cold conditions and still remain viable; It's hardiness zone is the lowest temperature that plant can grow in and still be able to produce flowers or fruits
Define Incomplete Flower
A flower missing parts in its natural form (sepals, petals, stamens, pistils)
Define Apical Meristem
Growth region in plants that exists at the tips of the roots, leaves and stems that leads in new growth
What is one essential plant anatomy part housed in the style and what is it's function?
Pollen tubes; Carry the pollen from the stigma into the ovary to fertilize the ovules
What is the red, fleshy part of a strawberry called?
What is the hardiness zone for Patterson, CA?
Define Chlorophyll
Green pigment that allows plants to absorb the energy from light