Plants reflect this color light spectrum
What is green light?
Think you the ish? You not even this type of fertilizer which comes organic matter
What are Natural Fertilizers?
Oh, she passed away? This is when plants take up all available water and the soil cannot provide any more
What is Permanent Wilting Point (PWP) ?
Large, Medium, and Small: our soil must contain them all
What are Sand, Silt, and Clay?
Bob the builder, can we fix it? No we can't! This type of injury can occur from different types of negative human interactions with our plants
This happens when plants are moved from LOW to HIGH light
Feed me, Seymore! These nutrients are needed in large quantities in order for the plant to survive
What are Macronutrients?
Over watering our plants leads to these symptoms
What are Yellowing leaves, Wilting and Root Rot?
This soil horizon is also known as the "zone of accumulation" as it is enriched with clay due to leaching
What is the B Horizon?
Off with her head: we should (almost) never remove more than this amount of our plant at once
What is 1/3 ?
Hello darkness my old friend; Plants stretch when they don't get enough light causing them to become this
What is leggy / etiolated ?
When they go low, we go lower by adding this nutrient to the soil
What is Sulfur?
The available water in the soil (once all the gravitational water has leached)
What is Field Capacity?
I think I'm falling for you *heart eyes emoji* This type of soil is moved by gravity
What are Colluvium Soils?
What is Weathering?
The effect of day and night lengths on our plants
What is photoperiodism?
This nutrient is responsible for rooting and fruiting
What is Phosphorous (P)?
When soils become dry they become hydrophobic. This means the soil has higher ______________ properties
What are Cohesive properties?
A soil with 40% Sand, 40% Silt, and 20% Clay would be considered this type of soil
What is Loam?
'til death do us part: these are the three responses plants have to stress
Flowering, (Crazy) growth, and Death
Feeling sad? This color spectrum will help to produce chlorophyll in our plants
What is Blue?
A 38 lbs bag of 24-12-16 fertilizer has this many lbs of Potassium in it
What is 6.08 / 6.1 lbs of Potassium?
In one end out the other, this flow of water is like no other (in a plant)
What is Transpirational Stream?
These are the 5 Soil Forming Factors
Parent Material, Time, Climate, Topography, Living Organisms
A client has a rectangular garden bed (20'x15') and she wants you to fertilize her flowering perennials. Suppose that these flowers require 4 lbs of Phosphorous / 50ft2. How many bags 25 lb bags of 3-10-5 will you need to apply?
9.6 bags / 10 bags