these have tubelike structures that transport food, water, and nutrients
What are vascular plants?
monocot is this shortened name
What is a monocotyledon?
dicot is this shortened name
What is a dicotyledon?
vascular plants with tall, hollow, jointed stems
What are horsetails?
an angiosperm that lives for only one growing season
What is an annual?
these do not have flowers and produce seeds in cones
What are gymnosperms?
this is the seed structure
What is one cotyledon?
this is the seed structure
What is two cotyledon?
the first root that emerges from a seed
What is the primary root?
an angiosperm that can live for three or more growing seasons
What is a perennial?
these do not have tubelike structures
they must absorb water through leaves
What are nonvascular plants?
has these types of roots
What are fibrous roots?
has these types of roots
What is a taproot?
rootlike structures in nonvascular plants
What are rhizoids?
a coiled-up frond
What is a fiddlehead?
these produce flowers and have seeds inside a fruit
What is an angiosperm?
the leaf structure
What are parallel veins?
the leaf structure
What are branching veins?
roots that never touch the soil
What are aerial roots?
an angiosperm that needs two growing seasons to fully develop
What is a biennial?
these have underground stems called rhizomes
What are seedless vascular plants?
the petal structure
What are petals in groups of 3 or 6?
the petal structure
What is the petals in group of 4 or 5?
underground stems in seedless vascular plants
What are rhizomes?
the first plants to grow in areas destroyed by volcanoes or fire
What are mosses?