What are the functions of the roots?
- Attach the plant to the ground.
- Absorb water and mineral salts.
Why are mosses so small?
Because they can not grow bigger as they can not tranport water from roots to the other parts of the plants. They do not have conducting vessels.
How is the process in which they obtain organic nutrients called?
What is a nastie?
It is a type of response in the plant kingdom, they're temporary and quick.
Name 3 parts in a plant that could develope into a new plant.
Leaves, stem and roots
What does the seed contain?
It contains the embryo of the new plant.
How do ferns reproduce? Where are the germinative structures located?
Trough spores. They are located at the back of leaves.
How is the process in which they burn the organic nutrients to obtain energy called?
Cell respiration.
What is a tropism?
It is a type of response in plants. They're permanent and slow.
What are the female parts of a plant?
The pistil, including the stigma, style, ovary (containing the ovules).
What are the sorus - spherical estrucutures found at the back of fern´s leaves?
They're asexual reproductive structures. They appear only in plants with no seeds (very primitive plants), that reproduce through spores. The spores are stored in the sorus.
Do all plants form flowers? And fruits? Give at least two examples to explain the answe of the question.
No. Ferns and mosses do not form flowers.
No. Ferns, mosses and gymnosperm do not form fruits.
What is are the requirements and products of photosynthesis?
The requirements are water, carbon dioxide, mineral salts and sunlight; the products are glucose, mostly (organic matter) and oxygen (released as a waste product).
Name one example of tropism
Geotropism, phototropism, hydrotropism
What are the male parts of a plant?
The stamen: containing the anther and the filament.
What are the name of the 2 different type of conductive vessels in plants?
Xylem and phloem
Why do pines belong to the gymnosperm group?
Because their leaves are needle-shaped.
What are the requirements and products of cell respiration?
The requirements are organic nutrients (glucose) and oxygen and the products are carbon dioxide (as a waste product), water and ¡energy!
Name 2 examples of nastiv movements:
Thermonasty (temperature), photonasty (light), thigmonasty (touch)
What are the non-female, nor male parts of a flower?
Petals (corolla) and sepals (calyx)
What is the function of the leaves? Why are they green? Which organelle is in charge of photosynthesis?
Their main function is to perform photosynthesis. They are mostly green because they contain chlorophyll,a essential substance for photosynthesis. The organelle in charge of photosyntesis is the chloroplast.
Name three differences between gymnosperm and angiosperms:
Angiosperm have fruits. Gymnosperms have cones.
Angiosperm are deiduous or evergreen. Most gymnosperms are evergreen.
Leaves in gymnosperms are needle-shaped or scale-shaped (not in ginkgo)
Gymnospers are mostly trees. Angiosperm are grasses, shrubs and trees.
When are photosynthesis and cell respiration performed and what are the steps in plant nutrition?
Photosynthesis during daytime, cell respiration every moment. The steps are absorption, raw sap tranportation, gas exchange, photosynthesis, elaborated sap transportation and the cells use the organic nutrients.
Name tree examples of tropisms?
Phototropism (related to light), hydrotropism (related to water) and geotropism (related to gravity).
What are the steps in plant sexual reproduction?
Gamete production, pollination, male gametes transportation, fertilisation, the zygote develops in the seed, the ovary develops the fruit, dispersal and germination.