What is the definition of tropism?
A response that results in plants growth toward or away from a stimulus.
What is the definition of flowering plants?
Plants that produce flowers in order to reproduce.
The epidermal layer on the bottom of a leaf is contains?
What is the definition of Plant Responses?
The way an organism reacts to a change in it's enviroment.
When do Long-day plants flower?
They typically produce flowers during mid summer.
What is the definition of Phototrompism?
The growth of a plant towards or away from light.
What is the definition of Photoperiodism?
A plants response to the number of hours of darkness in it's enviroment.
The energy that plants get during cellular respiration is also known as?
Growth towards a stimulus is considered?
Growth away from a stimulus is considered?
When do Short-Day plants flower?
They typically produce flowers during the late summer or early fall months.
What is the definition thigmotropism?
The positive or negative response of touch
What is the definition of log-day plants
Plants that flower when exposed to less than 10-12 hours of darkness.
_____ mesophyll cells located at the bottom of the leaf are spaced out to allow gases to pass through.
Why do trees growth look different from house plants growth?
Because it is even vs uneven distribution of sunlight.
When do Day-Neutral plants flower?
They flower when they reach maturity or when their enviroment is right.
What is the definition of gravitropism?
The response of a plant to gravity.
What is the definition of short-day plants?
Plants that need 12 or more hours of darkness and order to begin flowering.
Xylem and Phloem are both examples of _____ tissue within plants.
What are tendrils? (Definition)
Tendrils wrap around or cling on objects, it is positive thigmotropism.
What is the definition of stimuli?
Any changes in organisms causes a change in behavior.
What is the definition of Photorceptors?
Chemicals in plants that allow it to detect light.
What is the definition of day-neutral plants?
Flowering does not depend on how much sunlight they receive.
What are the reactants and products of Photosynthesis?
Reactants: Light, water, carbon dioxide, light energy.
Products: Oxygen, glucose.
Which way do roots and stems grow?
Stems grow away from gravity.(Negative)
Roots grow towards gravity.(Positive)
Why do leaves and stems tend to grow towards the light?
Because this alows them to maximize the amount of light you receive.