How many seed leaves does a monocot have?
Name the three body parts of an insect
The head, thorax and abdomen
What is the name of the "O" Horizon?
Organic Matter
What are the three particles listed on the soil texture triangle?
Sand, Silt & Clay
Name an example of a monocot and dicot plant:
Monocot - corn
Dicot - soybeans
How many seed leaves does a dicot have?
What is a dichotomous key?
A series of questions used to determine the identity of an insect or even soil type.
What is the name of the "E" horizon?
Eluviated horizon
60% Sand, 15% Clay and 25% Silt.
Sandy Loam
What is the name of the "R" soil horizon?
The female parts of the flower are called what?
The Pistil
What are the two words that make up the binomial nomenclature?
Genus and species
What is the name of the "A" Horizon
10% Sand, 45% Clay and 45% Silt
Silty Clay
What is the name of the scale that measures alkalinity?
pH scale
The Stamen contains what parts?
The anther and the filament
The breathing holes are located where on an insect?
The abdomen
What is the name of the "C" Horizon?
Parent material
90% Sand, 5% Clay and 5% Silt
Describe what a taproot AND fibrous root system looks like.
Taproot - root grows straight down into the ground
Fibrous - small hairs grow off of the main root
The Pistil Contains what parts?
The stigma, style and ovary
The breathing holes on an insect are called what?
What is the name of the "B" horizon?
50% Sand, 50% Clay and 50% Silt
Sandy Clay
What is the importance of pH in the soil?
It indicates if lime is needed to be added