What part of the plant is crucial in pollination?
The pistil
What do daffodils and tulips grow from?
The transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistil is called...
Plants that produce their seeds in cones are called...
What is the function of the stem?
To support the plant
One classification of plants is...
flowers or cones
seeds or no seeds
tubes or no tubes
Who pollinates flowers?
Birds and insects
Which part of a seed gives energy to the growing plant?
The stored food.
Name one of the three ways a plant can be pollinated...
1. Self-pollination
2. Animals
3. Wind
What part of a flowering plant contains the seeds?
The fruit
All living things do what?
New plants are always ______ (different from, similar to, bigger than) the parent plants?
Similar to
What are two of the conditions most seeds need to germinate?
Proper temperature
List two ways a bee helps a flower?