What is the function of roots?
Answer: Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil and anchor the plant.
Define adaptation.
Answer: An adaptation is a change that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Name one edible plant in Southern Alberta.
Answer: Examples include wild berries or dandelion leaves.
What is the main function of the stem?
Answer: The stem supports the plant and transports water and nutrients.
How do plants adapt to their environment?
Answer: By developing specific structures and functions that help them survive.
What part of the plant is responsible for reproduction?
Answer: Flowers (or cones) are responsible for reproduction.
Give an example of a root adaptation.
Answer: A taproot that stores nutrients or deep roots that reach water.
What is a common poisonous plant found in Alberta?
Answer: Poison ivy or monkshood.
Describe the function of leaves in a plant.
Answer: Leaves are where photosynthesis occurs, producing food and oxygen.
What is one way that climate can affect plant growth?
Answer: Temperature and precipitation levels can determine what plants can thrive.
Name one structure that helps a plant survive in its environment.
Answer: Examples include deep roots, thick leaves, or flowers that attract pollinators.
How do stem adaptations help plants?
Answer: Stems can be thick to store water or flexible to resist wind.
How can you identify edible plants?
Answer: By researching and learning about local flora or using identification guides.
How do flowers attract pollinators?
Answer: Flowers use color, scent, and nectar to attract pollinators.
How do plants in the prairie differ from those in the mountains?
Answer: Prairie plants may have deeper roots due to less water, while mountain plants may be shorter and more resilient to wind.
What do leaves produce?
Answer: Leaves produce food through photosynthesis.
What leaf adaptations can be found in desert plants?
Answer: Thick, waxy leaves to reduce water loss or small leaves to minimize water evaporation.
Why is it important to know about dangerous plants?
Answer: To avoid poisoning and ensure safety when foraging.
What role do seeds play in plant reproduction?
Answer: Seeds contain the embryo and food supply for the next generation of plants.
Explain the importance of water for plant survival.
Answer: Water is essential for photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and cell structure.
What part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients?
Answer: Roots absorb water and nutrients.
What is an example of a flower adaptation?
Answer: Bright colors or scents to attract specific pollinators.
Name a part of a seed plant that can be poisonous.
Answer: Some seeds, such as those from the black cherry tree, can be poisonous.
How do roots anchor a plant?
Answer: Roots spread out and grow deep into the soil to hold the plant in place.
How do nutrients in soil affect plant health?
Answer: Nutrient-rich soil supports healthy growth, while poor soil can stunt development.