I am a living thing that makes my own food.
What is a plant?
This plant part is used to make ketchup
What is a tomato
What is lemongrass!
I hold the plant in the soil. I also take in water and minerals. I also store food for the plant.
What are the roots?
I am the color of most citrus fruits and am often made into juice.
What is a orange?
This is a plant's favorite thing to drink
What is water?
This plant is used to make french fries
What are potatoes
When life gives you lemons, make this
What is lemonade
I am the very beginning of a plant.
What is a seed
I am the color of a monkey's favorite fruit.
What is yellow?
Plants use this to make food
What is sunlight
A pickle starts out as this vegetable
What is a cucumber
You can plant this fruit leaves to grow a new plant.
I hold up the plant. I allow water and food to travel through the plant.
What is the stem
I am the color of dirt.
What is brown?
This is the brown or black substance that the seed is planted in.
What is dirt
Cutting into this vegetable often makes people cry.
What is an onion
This fruit is named after its color.
What is an orange?
The part of a plant that is often picked and put into bouquets.
What is a flower
This fruit comes in purple or green
This is also known as Vitamin D
What is sunlight?
This vegetable is good for your vision
What are carrots?
fruit that you either love, or hate. It is grown and eaten around Asia, AND you can smell from a mile away.
I take in air and use sunlight to make food.
What are leaves
These three colors are often associated with Watermelon
What are red, black, and green?