Structure that carries water and nutrients from the root hairs upward through the root and stem to the leaves
what is the xylem
Birds and other animals can aid in the in what type of dispersal of seeds
What is agent
The family whose fruits are called legumes
What is the pea family
Branch that has one leaf per node
What is alternate leaf
the thread-like stalk that supports an anther of the plant.
What is the filament
What is the top of the center of a composite flower head
Who is the disk
Plants without vascular systems
What is bryophytes
The family who is also called crowfoot because of their leaf shape that resemble a bird's foot
What is the buttercup family
plants that have non woody stems
What is Herbaceous
What is the stigma
How is water and chemicals dissolved and absorbed through the cell membranes of the root hairs
What is osmosis
Flower that has stems of almost equal length emerging from a common point on the stem
What is Umbel
a geranium seed pod bursting is an example of what type of dispersal
What is mechanical
Tiny one-celled reproductive structures found on plants such as ferns
What are spores
What is the style
What are the storage cells that surround a root's transport tubes
What is Cortex
While germinating the plant gets food from
What is the Cotyledons
the upward force in the transport tubes produced by water entering the root hairs
What is the root pressure
The place where a leaf attaches to the stem
What is the node
Green structures that under a microscope looks like they are moving
what is Chloroplasts
the plant has two leaves per node
What is opposite leaf
What are the three main parts of the seed
What is embryo, endosperm, and seet coat
growth of a plant in length is called
What is primiary
After pollen grains reaches a flower what structure forms that which the sperm cell will travel to reach the egg cell
What is pollen tube
The three main steps of any scientific method
What is