Earth's layer of hard, solid rock
What is the outer layer?
Bonus: What is the name for the "land" or hard solid material in this layer?
A sudden shaking of Earth's surface
What is an earthquake?
Name of the supercontinent
What is Pangea?
True or False- Plates were pushed far apart by earthquakes.
False: Plate motion causes earthquakes, not the other way around.
The Himalaya Mountains contain the world's tallest peak found above water. These mountains were formed because of this type of plate movement.
What is convergent?
One of the very large sections of hard, solid rock that make up Earth' outer layer
What is a plate?
Layer of soft, solid rock underneath Earth's plates
What is the mantle?
Bonus: How hot, or at what temperature is the mantle? Around _____________ degrees
Where 2 plates meet
This is the number of continents found on Earth.
What is 7?
Bonus: Name the continent that is also an island.
Something we observe to be similar that occurs over and over again.
What is a pattern?
Bonus: Complete the pattern:
1,3,7,13, _____
Any of the many processes in which gas, lava, and ash are pushed out on the surface of Earth
What is volcanic activity?
Term for an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
What is a fossil?
True or False- Underneath the soil, Earth’s outer layer is made of hard, solid rock. Underneath the ocean, Earth’s outer layer is made of sand.
False: Earth's outer layer is made of hard, solid rock underneath the surface, whether on land or in the water.
A landform caused when two plates converge and part of 1 plate moves into the mantle.
What is a trench?
Bonus: What is the name of the world's deepest trench?
An underwater mountain range formed when 2 plates diverge
What is a mid-ocean ridge?
One plate moves underneath the other plate and sinks into the mantle
What is a convergent plate boundary?
When looking at samples from the plate simulation, you were asked to draw a _________________________, or a look inside an object or area.
What is cross-section?
Bonus: Cross-sections allowed us to see the _______________, a key part to understanding how the plates move.
How often or how fast something happens, examples of vocabulary that relate to this word include, gradually and suddenly?
What is rate?
When one plate is goes under and is burned up in the mantle at a convergent boundary
What is subduction?
This is the type of plate boundary found between the South American and African plates?
What is divergent?
This is the type of plate boundary found on the otherside of the S. American and African plate.
What is convergent? If one plate side is divergent, then the other would be opposite.