What is the thinnest layer and the thickest layer?
Crust and the mantle
What is a boundary?
Area where tectonic plates meet
What was the original continent called?
What is stress?
Pressure upward pull.
What is a rift zone?
Place where plates are diverging
What is the liquid layer of the earth called?
Outer core
What boundary is formed where plates collide?
Convergent boundary
What do scientists use a GPS for?
Measure how far plates move
What is tension?
Pressure on the ends of the rock that pulls downward (spaghetti) or stretched
Mountains with sharp jagged peaks are called __________ and made by________.
faulted mountains_ and tension__
What is the lithosphere?
Bottom crust top mantle holds the plates
What boundary is formed when plates separate?
Divergent boundary
How much do tectonic plates move yearly?
What is compression?
Pressure pushing rocks together squeezing
In a normal fault, where does the hanging wall move?
What does magma do when it reaches the surface of earth?
Cools off and turns to rock
What is sea floor spreading?
When new ocean crust forms between divergent boundaries by cooling magma
What do scientists use a seismograph for?
The density (thickness) of plates
What is it called when rock layers raise up slightly?
In a reverse fault, which way does the hanging wall move?
What happens at a transform boundary?
One plate slides against another
Sea floor spreading occurs at a _________.
Mid ocean ridge
List 4 evidences for continental drift.
fossils, shape of continents, similarities between plants and animals, same type of rock, mid ocean ridge, moving magnetic poles, ancient climates were same
What is it called when the rock layer sinks slightly?
Where are the two most famous rift zones?
San Andrea's and East African Rift