The largest plate on Earth
What is the pacific plate?
Two Plates pulling away from each other
What is divergent boundaries?
Transform and Convergent boundaries form this
What is an earthquake?
Study of the movement of the continents
What is Plate Tectonics?
The plate we live on in Kentucky
What is the North American Plate?
What is convergent boundaries?
Convergent boundaries are responsible for this feature
What is the Ring of Fire
The supercontinent that was on Earth millions of years ago
What is Pangea?
The plate can you find the Mariana Trench?
What is the Pacfiic Plate?
Two plates sliding against each other
Divergent boundaries form this feature
What is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
Place where 90% of all earthquakes happen
What is the Ring of Fire?
Plate responsible for the creation of the Andes Mountains
What is the South American Plate?
Deep ocean trenches result from this
What is a convergent boundary (subduction zone)?
Transform boundaries form this
What is a fault line?
A Transform boundary in California
What is San Andreas?
Iceland is unique, it has two plates running through it. Name both plates
What is North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate?
New crust froms as a result from this
What is divergent boundary?
Formation in Japan by a convergent plate boundary
What is Mount Fuji?
Layer of Earth under the Crust
What is the Mantle?