Plate boundries
Crust types
Landforms Created Plate by Tectonics
Other terms

what is a oceanic-oceanic convergent boundry?

What is a place where two oceanic plates collide, with one plate being subducted beaneath the other


Is crust a solid or liquid?



 What is the deep ocean trench and how is it created?

A long narrow depression on the ocean floor formed when one plate techtonic is pushed beneath another facing parralel to the continental plate


what is subduction?

what is the process that occurs when two tectonic plates meet at convergent boundaries, and one of the plates moves under the other


Who came up with the theroy of continetal drift?

Alfred Wegner


what is a a convergent continental/continental 

what is when two continental plates move towards each other pushing up forming mountain ranges


How long is the thickest peice of crust?


what is a mid ocean ridge and how is it created?

what is  along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earth's tectonic plates spread apart at a east and west angle


what is magma?

Magma is the molten or semi-molten natural material from which all igneous rocks are formed


What is convection ?

what is the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and  less dense material to rise and colder denser material to sink which consequently results in transfer of heat.


what is convergent oceanic/ continetal boundaries ?

oceanic crust is forced down into the Earth's mantle and begins to melt The melted rock rises into and through the  plates as forming a chain of volcanoes parallel to the plate boundary.


what is oceanic crust?

The part of the Earths crust that makes up the sea floor being less dense than continetal crust.


what is a volcano and how is it created?

what is magma rises through the mantle and  melts the crust above then it flows on to the surface then the two plates have to moving towards echother to form a volcano.


What is sea floor spreading?

 the geologic process that results when tectonic plates split apart and move away from each other


What does transform mean?

what is places where plates slide sideways past each other.


what is divergent oceanic boundaries

what is spreading boundaries where new oceanic crust is created to fill in the space as the plates move apart.


what is the continetal crust type?

The outer most layer of the Earth being the most dense crust 


how are mountains made?

what is two continental plates facing echother colliding.


What are the Earth quake prone areas?

What is the circum-Pacific seismic belt.

The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a ____________________ boundary.
What is a transform boundary

What is divergent continental boundaries?

what is  plates are moving apart and new lithosphere is being created.


The Earth's crust is thinnest under the _____________________ and thickest under the _____________________.

What is thinnest under the ocean and thickest under the continents.


what is a rift valley?

What is a flat low lying valley that forms at a geographical crack mwhere the plates move away from echother


What are the New Crust Being Formed.

 what is along mid-ocean ridges at divergent plate boundaries.

This person used sonar to map the bottom of the ocean and discovered the mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean.
Who is Harry Hess!