What is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface called?
the crust
There are 3 pieces of evidences that support Wegener's Theory of continental drift. Name one.
Fossil record, continent shapes, and rock layers
Hawaii formed on top of a ________.
When this material reaches the surface of the Earth it is called this.
What natural disaster occurs because of plate movement?
volcanoes or earthquakes
What geographical feature is caused under water at a divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean?
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
What plate boundary produces sea-floor spreading?
When rocks get too hot what do they become and what type of rock will they form when cooled?
Magma, they will form igneous rock
Where do convection currents occur?
What happens when a continental plate converges with a continental plate?
Mountain building/ uplift
What are the two types of igneous rock and how are they different?
Extrusive - formed on the Earth's surface
Intrusive - formed in the Earth's crust
Super Continent that scientists believe existed and evidence of continental drift.
If an oceanic and continental crust converge, what will happen and why?
the oceanic crust will slide under the continental crust because it is more dense (making trenches, volcanoes, mountain ranges)
Movement of matter caused by differences in density and temperature.
When rock gets weathered this is formed:
What layer of earth do tectonic plates sit on? This layer is below the lithosphere
The type of rock formed due to immerse temperature and pressure in the Earth's crust