Science Stuff
Hodge Podge
The layer of the earth we live on
What is the opening at the top of a volcano called?
Where in the United States are you most likely to experience an earthquake?
The west coast near the convergence of the pacific and north american plates.
What two things do you need out and ready everyday for science?
Pencil & Science Notebook
What are convection currents?
Convection currents are caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again and then heating, rising and repeating the cycle over and over.
What is magma?
a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock
What is a vent?
An opening in Earth's surface through which volcanic materials escape.
What causes an earthquake?
There are about 20 plates along the surface of the earth that move continuously and slowly past each other. When the plates squeeze or stretch, huge rocks form at their edges and the rocks shift with great force, causing an earthquake.
Good scientists do a lot of very important things, list 2 of them.
Make Observations Keep notes Ask Questions Make Inferences Perform Experiments Read Existing Research
What was the supercontinent that existed during the Palezoic era called?
What is the difference between the inner core and outer core?
The inner core is solid where as the outer core is liquid.
What is the Magma chamber and where is it located?
The subterranean cavity containing the gas-rich liquid magma which feeds a volcano.
What is a fault?
A fault is an area of stress in the earth where broken rocks slide past each other, causing a crack in the Earth's surface
What is the Richter scale?
A measurement of an earthquake's intensity. Each one-point increase on the scale indicates ten times the amount of shaking and 33 times the amount of energy. The energy released by a large earthquake may be equal to 10,000 times the energy of the first atomic bomb.
How do mid-ocean ridges form?
Mid-ocean ridges form by the spreading apart of oceanic plates as part of plate tectonics. The ridge was formed by techtonic plate movement wich forces lava through the created cracks and when the lava cooled it forms the ridge
Which is thicker continental or oceanic crust?
Continental crust is thicker
What is the difference between magma and lava?
Lava - Molten rock that erupts from a volcano that solidifies as it cools. Magma - Molten rock beneath Earth's surface.
What does a seismograph do?
A seismograph is an instrument used for recording the intensity and duration of an earthquake.
Explain what the ring of fire is and how it got its name?
The regions of mountain-building earthquakes and volcanoes which surround the Pacific Ocean.
Explain the process of subduction
subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle as the plates converge
What are the two types of crusts and what are they made of?
CONTINENTAL Crust is made of granite and OCEANIC crust is made of basalt.
What is a dormant volcano?
A volcano which is presently inactive but which may erupt again.
What is an epicenter?
The point on the earth's surface directly above the source of the earthquake.
What are plate tectonics?
The theory of plate tectonics is a interesting story of continents drifting from place to place breaking apart, colliding, and grinding against each other. The plate tectonic theory is supported by a wide range of evidence that considers the earth's crust and upper mantle to be composed of several large, thin, relatively rigid plates that move relative to one another. The plates are all moving in different directions and at different speeds. Sometimes the plates crash together, pull apart or sideswipe each other. When this happens, it commonly results in earthquakes.
List 3 of the 5 different types of mountains
1.Fold Mountains (Folded Mountains) 2.Fault-block Mountains (Block Mountains) 3.Dome Mountains 4.Volcanic Mountains 5.Plateau Mountains