Reflex Integration
Truth or Myth
Fun Facts

A motor response or action the body makes in response to sensory or motor input.

What is a reflex?


My child's doctor say he will grow out of his primitive reflexes and not to worry.

Myth: Your body retains a reflex as a survival means. Only through consistent and frequent duration of movement can help the brain and body to make changes to the connections in order to reintegrate the reflex.


Toe walking, poor muscle tone, sensory sensitivity in relation to vestibular input are symptoms of what reflex?

What is TLR?


Which retained reflex is frequently misdiagnosed with ADHD?

Spinal Galant


Demonstrate the cha cha method on self.  

1. Top of head

2. Top of eyebrow

3. Below eyebrow

4. Underneath eye

5. Under nose

6. Chin

7. Chest (flat hand)

8. Below armpit

9. Fleshy part of hand

10. Below kneecap


These reflexes are automatic movements that are present at birth and some emerge after the baby is born.

What are primitive reflexes? 


When you are working with a child with retained primitive reflexes you DO NOT want to only focus on their reflexes during treatment sessions.

True: It is important to focus on the whole person and work on skills simultaneously in order for the child to receive the greatest benefit of their sessions. Focusing on addressing the foundational skills first will help scaffold skills for higher levels of development.  


Sensory sensitivities, balance issues/clumsy, "freezing" in stressful situations are symptoms of what reflex?

What is fear paralysis?


Which retained reflex is closely associated with grasping issues in children?

Palmar reflex


Demonstrate testing for STNR

cat and cow


T/F A child that has a retained primitive reflex may have disconnections in the brain & body connection which may lead to difficulties with higher level skill development such as social-emotional skills and executive functioning.

What is true?


My child doesn't need to continue with services once his reflexes are integrated. 

Myth: Reflexes are just one part of treatment and one piece of the puzzle for each individual. Once the reflexes are integrated higher level skills may then be targeted for the child to reach his greatest potential.  


Poor eye-hand coordination, difficulty with crossing midline, poor fine motor skills, visual tracking issues are all symptoms of what reflex?

What is ATNR?


Which retained reflex is closely associated with an imaginary line in the center of your body and reading deficits?



Demonstrate exercises for TLR integration

1. Head flexion

2. Head extension

3. Superman


T/F: Primitive reflexes that integrated at time of birth will remain integrated throughout an individual's life.

What is false?


There is no brain/ body connection in relation to learning new skills. 

Myth: Children need to move in order to build the neural connections in the brain for higher level learning. Areas of the brain that process movement are the same areas that process various aspects of learning (visual, auditory, memory, language, and attention). 


Daily double!!!

Symptoms of the moro reflex are...

Sensory overload, anxiety, easily distracted, fight or flight reaction are symptoms of what reflex?


Which retained reflex is closely associated with difficulty with crawling?



Demonstrate a retained ATNR

Quad position turn head to right, left elbow will flex. 


Name 4 causes for retained reflexes

What is traumatic birth, maternal stress, c-section, decreased tummy time, decreased creeping and crawling, trauma in childhood or adulthood, increased screen time, decreased play, etc.


Brains are not resilient or changeable once an individual reaches a certain age we can not improve reflexes once the individual reaches adulthood.

Myth: While it may take a bit more time for an adult to integrate a reflex due to learned compensation strategies, medication that has masked symptoms, and learned behaviors, adults can integrate retained reflexes.


W-sitting, poor muscle tone, poor eye-hand coordination are symptoms of what reflex?

What is STNR?


Which two reflexes are closely associated together and often seen with children who have Sensory Processing Disorder?

Moro and Fear Paralysis


Daily double!!!!

Demonstrate 4 moro tests to determine integration and describe what would be observed if retained. 

1. Duck- breathing changes, flexion in elbow, locked joints

2. Pidgeon- breathing changes, flexion in elbow, locked joints

3. Balance test- unable to hold position, falling

4. Crossovers- unable to hold position, falling

5. Startle test- loss of balance