9" of rubber, sand, pea gravel, wood mulch or chips
What is the "Protective Surfacing" requirement for equipment.
Protruding bolts and open "S" hooks
What are 2 examples of entanglement hazards?
Area around and under gross motor climbing, sliding or swinging equipment where protective surfacing is required.
What is the "Fall Zone".
Openings of 3.5 inches or less or 9" or greater
What are measurements in equipment which might cause entrapment hazards for children because they could fit their bodies, but not their heads through the space?
Provides guidelines/rules for determining whether outdoor equipment and space is safe for children.
What is "DCF Licensing Rules and Regulations for Group Childcare Centers"
Trip Hazards
What are exposed items such as tree roots and garden hoses, considered if accessible?
Ages 2-12, Ages 5-12 yrs
What is the manufacturing rule for appropriate play equipment?
4ft or higher
What is the height of the tallest equipment which may be used without fall cushioning?
All staff on one end of playground talking and unable to see children for short period of times as children are on more dangerous areas of playground, staff on cell phones.
What is an example of "inadequate supervision"?
9 inches on all sides.
What is the required fall zones for slides under 6'?
An inspection to be done by a designated person as indicated to ensure safe gross motor space and equipment.
What is a "Daily", "Weekly", and "Monthly Playground Maintenance Checklist"