What are Focus on Learning, Culture of Collaboration, and Focus on Results?
What are the three Big Ideas of a PLC?
Standards that we are guaranteeing ALL students will know and be able to do at the end of the year
What are essential standards?
A team-developed instrument utilizing the same criteria to measure student learning.
What is a common formative assessment?
Anything a school does above and beyond what all students receive to help certain students succeed academically
What is an intervention?
Together, we
Grow, and
Reaching all
Students to continue the tradition of excellence.
What is our mission statement?
Collective commitments developed by each team to guide members in working together.
What are team norms?
Alignment within a grade level team is called this.
What is horizontal alignment?
Arkansas Teacher, Learning & Assessment System
What is ATLAS?
When students are stretched beyond essential grade level curriculum or levels of profiency
What is an extension?
2020 - 2021
What is the year we starting our PLC journey?
What do we want students to know, do, and understand? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we respond when they don't learn? How will we respond when they already know it?
What are the four critical questions of learning?
This connects concepts across grades and subjects to create a cohesive learning experience for students.
What is vertical alignment?
These assessments are typically administered two times a year.
What are interim assessments?
What is Tier 2?
Because I am dedicated to my students, I will….provide explicit systematic instruction to engage all students, use a guaranteed, viable curriculum with a focus on essential standards, collaborate with my team to develop and use CFAs and other formative assessments to monitor student learning, work with my team to analyze data to provide targeted and timely interventions and enrichment, create meaningful relationships with my peers and students to ensure a safe and positive learning environment, be a positive, contributing member of my team.
What are our collective commitments?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, Time-Bound
What is a SMART goal?
These are learning targets that are made student friendly
What are I Can Statements?
This is considered a final assessment.
What is a summative assessment?
Intensive remediation in universal skills
What is Tier 3?
In order to continue the tradition of excellence, we will provide all students: A collaborative team of professionals who are committed to improving their practices, so that all students learn at high levels. A rigorous and engaging curriculum focused on essential skills. Individualized and timely support to succeed. A safe and positive learning environment centered around the well-being of the whole person: academically, socially, and emotionally.
A systematic process where people work together to analyze and impact student achievement - considered the engine of a Professional Learning Community
What is collaboration?
A representation of the progression of learning, where each step represents a new skill or knowledge level that a learner must acquire to reach; it often outlines the stages of learning a new skill, from basic understanding to mastery
What are learning ladders?
The process of gathering and analyzing information about students' knowledge, understanding, and abilities.
What is assessment?
This team works to identify students who need intervention and to make a plan to provide those interventions.
What is the problem solving team?
A school recognized as a high-performing example of how a PLC should function effectively.
What is a model PLC?