Test Security & Confidentiality
Test Administrator Responsibilties
STAAR Policies and Procedures
Acces. Features & Designated Supports

Documents you have received training, are aware of procedures, will fulfill your obligations and have maintained confidentiality.

What is the Oath of Test Security & Confidentiality?


Remove or cover instructional materials that may aid student (in testing room and hallways).

What is preparing the testing environment?


For Reading - Standard Dictionary (English/Spanish); For Writing - Standard Dictionary (English/Spanish), Thesaurus, Bilingual Dictionary; For Math & Science - only Bilingual Dictionary

Ratio is 1:5

What is the Dictionary Policy?  (A REQUIREMENT for STAAR)


Start, break and end times must be recorded on me.

What is the seating chart?


Read allowed text in its entirety; keeping voice inflection neutral throughout the selection.

What is reading the REVISING part of the Writing test?


No person may review or discuss student responses or solicit information from students about secure test content.

What is maintaining security of test materials?


4 hours (unless they have extra/extended time)

What is the time limit for all STAAR tests?


Lunch, medical breaks, emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing, and consolidation and movement of students to another testing area.

What are breaks that stop the testing time?


Have Chromebooks charged, make sure students have taken either an Interim or Online Tutorial, and collect a Testing Ticket from Testing Coordinator on the day of testing.

How does a Test Administrator prepare a student for online testing?



What are the committees that can determine testing accomodations for students?


Monitoring errors, accommodation errors, eligibility errors, improper accounting for secure materials and incidents involving student cheating.

What are Procedural Irregularities?


You have only one, must read it before testing and use it during testing.

What is the 2020-2021 STAAR Test Administrator Manual?


Water breaks, bathroom breaks, snack breaks, short physical or mental breaks.

What are breaks that DO NOT stop testing time?


Tagged & bagged and read Electronic Device Statement.

What is the proper procedure for Cell Phones?


An online option for Oral Administration.

What is Text to Speech (TTS)?


Notify your Campus Testing Coordinator immediately.

What should you do if there is a testing irregularity?


This is what the Test Administrator bubbles in on the student's answer document after the student is done testing.

What is the Form number and "S" for score code?


Collect & place in buckets for Test Administrators to shred.

What to do with used scratch & graph paper?


Post and state hourly with shorter intervals in the last hour.

What is the proper way to announce time left on the test?


Preferential Seating, Reading Aloud to Self, Scratch Paper, Highlighters, Stickies, color overlays, blank place markers, magnifying devices, tools to minimize distractions or to help maintain focus, online...

What are accommodations allowable for all students? (Accessibility Features)


Arrive at 7:30, count, sign, secure, complete seating chart, use testing manual, test, monitor time, review answer documents, prep materials for return, check-in, sign, relax.

What are the steps to follow on testing day?


This is what the Test Administrator bubbles in on the student's answer document after the student is done testing if the student takes more than two hours for testing.

What is "0" in Agency Use? (Math, Writing and Science are under Column A, Reading is under Column B)


"I can't answer that for you; just do the best you can."

What is the test administrator's response to a student's plea for help on a test question.


Prevent any use cell phones or computer, use test manual, walk about the room, check answer documents, use clock to monitor time & maintain quiet and comfortable testing environment.

What is active test monitoring?


Provided based on need as determined by committee, prior use by student, prepared ahead of time, not for everyone, made available but not required.

What are the requirements for accomodations?