After David and Jennifier break the remote the TV repair man is at the door almost instantly
Foreshadow to the TV repair man watching them in the show
These certain conditions for someone make Skip miss the basketball shot
Feelings (or stirrings) for Mary Sue
They burned these because they didn't want people to have knowledge
This happens after the TV repair man gives a new remote to David after getting every question right in his trivia
David and Jennifer get sucked into Pleasantville
There is a sign stating, "No Coloreds"
Allusion to racsim to black people
This gets shown to everyone once Jonas passes the boundary of memory in the Giver and the people of pleasantvilla get shown this when they step outside the court house
Mary Sue and Clarrise caused the others in their life's to have this
A thirst for knowledge
David conforts his mom after she comes back for what reason
His mom didn't want to go with her boyfriend because he is much younger than her