Plessy VS Ferguson
literary elements
cause and effect
central idea and details
informational text

Why did Homer Plessy get arrested?

He refused to give up his seat or He bought a ticket for the wrong section of the train

what is He bought a ticket for the wrong section of the train.


When you have to make a guess using what you already know, what you read or observed in the text, you are making 

an inference or a theme

What is an inference?


What is the name of the landmark case that okayed segregation under "separate but equal?"

What is Brown Vs Board, Jim Crow laws, or Plessy Vs Ferguson

What is Plessy VS Ferguson?


The message the author wants you, the reader, to take away from the reading is the

summary or the theme

What is the theme?


Which case put an end to Jim Crow laws?

Plessy vs Ferguson or Brown Vs Board

What is Brown Vs Board (of Education)


When you take a longer piece of text and shorten it with a little bit of the beginning, middle and end, then it is the 

paragraph or a summary

What is the summary?


What was supposed to be the meaning behind "separate but equal?"

Separate things no matter the condition/quality or separate things but equal in condition/quality

What is separate things but equal in quality?


When I use clues surrounding unfamiliar words to figure out fancy nancy words, then I am using

predictions or context clues

What are context clues?


What did the 14th amendment include?

What is equal protection and treatment under constitutional laws?


The who or what the text is about and what I should learn when I am done reading it is the

central idea or the moral

What is central idea?