Ergogenic Aids
Fitness Training
Components of Physical Fitness
Fitness Training Activities
Fitness Evaluations

Any food, substance, chemical, or training method that helps the body work harder, perform better, and recover faster.

What is Ergogenic Aids? 

Accepted: Performance Enhancing Drugs


A method of recalling four important design elements of a training program (the acronym).

What is the FITT Principle?


The ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion, this component of physical fitness slows the process of joint deterioration and can help prevent lower back pain.

What is Flexibility?


The term used to describe the process of improving your health and quality of life after injury, illness or surgery.

What is Rehabilitation?

Accepted: Rehab


The beep test and 12-minute run are designed to assess which component of physical fitness?

What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

Accepted: Cardiovascular Endurance; Cardio


This substance increases the levels of testosterone in the blood and is banned by all international and national sports governing bodies.

What is Steroids?


The component of the Fitness Training Principle that dictates which formal or informal activities are being done.

What is Type?


Measured by the body’s ability to sustain aerobic activities, this component of physical fitness suggests you train at the Target Heart Rate Zone at least 3 times a week.

What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

Accepted: Cardiovascular Endurance


This fitness training activity is believed to be the best overall exercises for developing and maintaining cardiovascular fitness and is encouraged for all ages and abilities. 

What is Walking/Jogging?

Saying 1 of 2 is accepted.


This evaluation refers to the maximum amount of weight an individual can lift just one time of a given exercise.

What is One Rep Max?


A regularly consumed substance, this diuretic increases alertness and delays physical fatigue.

What is Caffeine?

Not Accepted: COFFEE 


The component of the Fitness Training Principle is measured differently for each physical fitness component and determines how hard you must work.

What is Intensity?


The ability of a muscle or muscle group to sustain a given level of force repeatedly at a given resistance.

What is Muscular Endurance?


Involves a timed, systematic alternation of exertion and recovery, this fitness training activity benefits aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, and muscular endurance.

What is Interval Training?

Accepted: Intervals


Flexed arm hang, chin-up test and push up test are designed to assess which component of physical fitness?

What is Muscular Endurance?


Though naturally found in red meats, poultry and fish, this supplement increases total muscle mass, mostly due to water retention.

What is Creatine?


This component of the Fitness Training Principle determines duration and volume of training sessions.

What is Time?


This component of physical fitness includes agility, coordination and reaction time; involves the relationship between body and brain.

What is Motor Ability?

Accepted: Motor Function


Designed to exercise all major muscle groups in one session, this fitness training activity is used in many sports for general fitness development purposes. 

What is Circuit Training?

Accepted: Circuits


Standing long jump and vertical jump are designed to assess which component of physical fitness?

What is Muscular Power?

Accepted: Power


Created from the extract of a Chinese plant, this banned supplement stimulates the cardiovascular and central nervous system and is found in weight-loss, fat-burner, energy-boosting, and bodybuilding products.

What is Ephedra?


This principle rests on the idea of "use it or lose it!" and that progress can decline when the training routine is interrupted.

What is the Reversibility Principle?


The 2nd stage of the PNF Flexibility Method where the individual being stretched contracts the muscle group by pushing against resistance for about 7 seconds.

What is Pre-Tension?


This fitness training activity emphasises the development of strength by using free weights and exercise machines with constant or variable resistance and stresses the same muscle groups over and over again.

What is Station Training?


This evaluation utilizes a distinct floor pattern/shape and involves quickly jumping over arranged obstacles; it is intended to be completed in as little time as possible.

What is Hexagonal Obstacle Test?