Plot- Outsiders
Literary Terms
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The exposition of the story (the beginning) introduces the characters, the _______________, and the basic situation.
What is the setting
What type of conflict is this (more specific than internal or external): Joe wants to be class president, but so does Kim.
What is character struggles against character (Man Vs. Man)

Ponyboy introduces the members of the Greasers in chapter 1. The story takes place in a small town in Oklahoma during the 1960s. What is the exposition

What is the exposition?

This is the character who works against the main character in a story.
What is the antagonist
What is the sequence of events that shows how the conflict develops and is finally resolved called?
What is plot
The plot of a story is the sequence of events that show how the ______________ develops and is resolved. (Hint it has two main types and five sub-types)
What is the conflict
What type of conflict is this (more specific than internal or external): A hurrican destroys a family's home.
What is character struggles against nature (Man Vs. Nature)

Ponyboy and the Curtis brothers are able to stay together; three teens are dead; Ponyboy writes his essay for English. 

What is the Resolution?

Hints about what will happen later in the story is known as
What is foreshadowing
What is the struggle between two characters or between a character and an outside force called?
What is external conflict
The most exciting moment in the plot is called the __________________. It is the turning point where the story can go either way.
What is the climax
What type of conflict is this (more specific than internal or external): Sally wants to get a job, but the law says she's too young.
What is character struggles against society (man vs. society)

The rumble; Johnny dies

What is the Climax?

A type of conflict that occurs inside the character (dealing with emotions, morality, faith)
What is Internal Conflict
The exposition explains what two key things?
What is the setting and main characters
During what part of the plot does the conflict wind down in intensity?
What is the falling action
What type of conflict is this (more specific than internal or external): Derek wants to go to college, but he's afraid of failing.
What is character struggles against his or or her own mind (character vs. self)

Johnny and Ponyboy go to the movies one night and end up getting into a fight with the Socs. Johnny kills Bob and the two boys flee to the church. The church burns down, and Pony, Johnny, and Dally save the lives of several children. 

What is the Rising Action?


This part of the story introduces the main conflict that will take place.

What is the Initiating Event?


Who wrote "The Outsiders" ?

Who is S.E. Hinton?
THe denouement, where the conflict is fully resolved is another name for
The resolution
Is the following an internal or external example: Rainsford battles his nerves on the island
what is Internal

The rumble is over, but Dally is beside himself with grief. He robs a grocery story and is shot by the police.

What is the Falling Action? 

Referring to another story is known as
What is an allusion
Name all five parts of a plot
What is the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution