Types of Characters
Characters/Character Traits
The event that starts the story's main problem.
What is initiating event
This word is a synonym for the word conflict.
What is Problem
In a fictional story, the main character is the _________
What is Protagonist
The author indirectly reveals things about a character in 5 ways. What are those 5 ways?
What is Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others, Actions, and Looks
Mary was feeling a little bit under the weather. What figurative language this?
What is Idiom
The part of the story that is made up of the setting, main characters, and background situation.
What is Exposition
The two types of conflict
Internal and external
This type of character opposes the main character in a fictional story (goes against the main character).
What is Antagonist
The tomcat stretched lazily and then licked his paw. “I’m taking off for a bit,” he told his son. “You’re going to search for some milk, aren’t you? Can I come along?” his son asked. “I’m thirsty, too.” “Not today,” he answered. He had no intention of introducing his son to the porch step where the farmer’s wife set out a bowl of milk for him as soon as the sun was at its highest point in the sky. If he came, I’d have to share my milk. No way!! Which character trait best describes the tomcat? A. generous C. loyal B. greedy D. stubborn
What is B. Greedy
As my birthday drew closer, I had awful nightmares about it. I was reaching the age at which all Kaw Indians had to participate in Ta-Na-E-Ka. Is this an example of first or third person point of view?
What is First Person
The events that make the story more complicated; happens between the initiating event and the climax.
What is rising action
Amanda wants to be a nurse has been accepted into two colleges. One college offers a better nursing program but costs more and is further away. The other college has a decent program, costs less, and is closer to home, where her family and friends can visit her. What type of conflict is Amanda experiencing?
What is Internal
Freddy just turned sixteen and he wants a car badly, so he starts mowing lawns and landscaping to earn money with his neighbor Eric. After a few days working together, Freddy and Eric have a disagreement and Eric leaves to start his own company. Now the former friends are competing ferociously for work in their neighborhood. Things take a turn for the worse when Eric starts sabotaging Freddy's operation. Will Freddy retaliate? Can the former friends reconcile? Will Freddy ever get a car? Who is the Antagonist and who is the protagonist in this scenario?
What is Freddy is the protagonist and Eric is the antagonist
Renee checked her watch while she 8 tapped her fingers on the table. “We need to get going, Mom, or we are going to miss the entire picnic. We should have left about twenty- five minutes ago.” “I’m just double checking to make sure we have sunscreen and insect repellent packed. I suppose we should find some hats to wear, too. The sun’s rays can be especially harmful at this time of the day if we aren’t well-covered.”Which character trait best describes Renee’s mom? A. determined C. considerate B. cautious D. shy
What is B. Cautious
What is the difference between nonfiction and fiction?
What is nonfiction is real and fiction is fake.
The events that lead from the climax to the story's ending.
What is Falling Action
Mark and his Valentine can't decide where to go to dinner. He wants to go to Olive Garden for the endless salad and breadsticks, but his Valentine wants to go to Red Lobster because sea food is her favorite. What type of conflict are the two of them having?
What is Man vs. Man
In the story "Dragon, Dragon" the Dragon was what type of character?
What is Antagonist
Erica ran as fast as she could, beating every 6th grader in the race. How does the author reveal that Erica is the fastest runner in her class?
What is By her actions (what she does)
This is the lesson learned or moral of a story.
What is Theme
All of the events that happen within a story.
What is Plot
It's the year 1847 and Hallie is tired of being treated as a second-class citizen. As a married woman, she does not have the right to own property and she has no legal claim to any money that she earns. She and a group of concerned activists, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, hold a convention in Seneca Falls, New York with a plan to change the world. Join Hallie as she marches, lobbies, and struggles to win equal rights for her gender, one mind at a time. What type of conflict is this?
What is Man vs. Society
Buck is the most skilled banjo player in town and is praised by all, until Chuck arrives from the big city. Soon Buck's fans are going to Chuck's showings instead and Buck decides to settle it. Now Buck must compete with Chuck in a contest of dueling banjos to determine who is the greatest and who will leave town for good. Will Buck's raw, grassroots twang overcome Chuck's more polished big city style? Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in this scenario?
What is Buck in the protagonist and Chuck is the antagonist
I didn't want to go to math class. It was always the worst part of my day. It seemed like everyone in that class was smarted and more alert than I was. How does the author indirectly reveal that the character is not good at math?
What is Thoughts (what the character is thinking)
This is when and where a story takes place
What is Setting