Elements of Plot
Types of Conflict
Direct or Indirect Characterization?
Annotation Strategies
Random Vocabulary
The beginning of the story.
What is the exposition
What type of conflict is this (Man vs. __________): Joe wants to be class president, but so does Kim.
What is Man vs. Man
As Mr. Byrd walked by families, mothers pulled their children close to their side.
What is indirect characterization
The Q in CROPQVM stands for this.
What is Question/Questions
Protagonist means:
Who is the main character of the story. Typically the protagonist is viewed as the "Good guy" although they do not have to be.
The ____________ is when the conflicts develop and we become more interested in the story. These are also known as the main events in sequential order.
What is the rising action
What type of conflict is this (Man vs. _________): A hurricane destroys a family's home.
What is Man vs. nature
Lou is an amazing musician.
What is direct characterization
What are highlighting and making notes about the characters, identify setting by placing a box around words that indicate where or when the story takes place, underline the climax, number the major events, Put () around unfamiliar vocabulary and look them up. Place a * around items that are belief or value statements
What are two things that you should do when annotating a FICTION story?
A heading under a heading
What is a subheading?
The most exciting moment in the plot, also known as the turning point, is called the __________________.
What is the climax
What type of conflict is this (Man vs. _________): Sally wants to get a job, but the law says she's too young.
What is Man vs. society
The quiet girl and her rambunctious brother strolled down the path to the beach
What is direct characterization
Non-fiction articles are annotated using CROPQVM Fiction Articles are annotated keeping the elements of a PLOT map in mind. Both are forms of writing and annotation allows you the reader to engage with the text.
Compare and contrast annotating non-fiction articles compared to fictional writing.
This is the perspective in which a story is being told. There are three types of this.
What is point of view? 1st Person Point of view - the narrator is a character in the story telling the story. You see a lot of pronouns like ..I, me, my 2nd Person point of view - rarely used but it speaks to YOU the reader. This is mostly done in infomercials and recipes. Example ..You need to place the knife to the right of the plate. 3rd Person Point of View - the narrator isn't a character in the story instead they are outside the story looking in. It can be told in 3rd person limited and 3rd person omniscient.
During which part of the plot are the loose ends tied up but the problem isn't totally resolved yet?
What is the falling action
What type of conflict is this (Man vs. _________): Derek wants to go to college, but he's afraid of failing.
What is Man vs. himself/herself
John cared a lot for the well being of others. There was an old couple living alone near his house, and John was so kind-hearted that he bought groceries daily for them.
What is direct characterization
Three readings 1. You read to get through it - don't stop. 2. You annotate and figure out what the author is telling you. 3. You read it one final time for fluency - the way the author intended it to be read.
How many readings should you complete when reading and annotating a poem and what do you do during each?
1. Explain the difference between Mood and Tone? 2. Explain what is the Theme of a story?
1.What is.....Mood is how you the readers feels after having read and story and Tone is the author's attitude towards the subject. 2. What is....Theme is the underlying message or lesson that the author wants to convey to you the reader.
The three main things that happen in the exposition
What are the characters are introduced, the climate or situation is established, and the setting is introduced
Name the four types of conflicts and state if each one is internal or external.
What is: Man vs. Self- internal Man vs. Man- external Man vs. Nature- either depending upon the text but for the most part external Man vs. Society- either depending upon the text but for the most part external
When Jane walked in the room, everybody stopped to stare at her. She commanded attention wherever she went.
What is indirect characterization
1. You look for and identify any and all figurative language( alliteration, personification, metaphor, simile, repetition, onomatopoeia, Hyperbole) 2. You paraphrase the poem going line by line, stanza by stanza and put into your own words that the author means by that line or statement.
What are the two things that you do when annotating a poem during the second reading of it?
What are...Character traits are characteristics that determine who the character is and why they do what they do. Courage, selflessness, etc...
Determination, perseverance,affectionate,ruthlessness are all examples of CHARACTER TRAITS. Define character trait and give me five more examples of possible character traits - there are thousands to choose from :)