True or false. You can wear your underwear more than once.
List one method of transportation that is good for the environment
Answers will vary but may include:
- walking
- cycling
- skating (Rideau canal in the winter)
- rollerblading
What is "active listening" and how do you show it?
Truly listening to what someone is saying (listening with your eyes and ears, don't interrupt, actually listen to the person rather than thinking about what you are going to say next, asking questions, making relevant comments, etc.)
Show what "one half" looks like as a fraction.
Think: if the recipe called for "half a cup of flour," which measuring cup would you grab?
You just called your sibling a mean name. Act out both an insincere apology and a genuine one.
What am I?
This is a pump that you find next to sinks. You pump the liquid into your hands and then you get your hands wet and rub in the liquid in order to clean your hands.
What are the 4 main points of a compass?
North, South, East, West
Name 2 things you can do to show respect for others' personal boundaries?
Answers may vary but may include:
- give physical space (an arm's length)
- respect their property (e.g. don't touch someone's belongings without asking)
- always ask for consent before touching someone
Find me a "spatula" from our kitchen.
Student must grab correct item from kitchen.
What percentage is tax here in Ontario?
What should you use to wash your face?
List 2 ways to show respect when travelling on a bus.
Answers will vary:
- leave priority seating for people who need it most
- offer your seat to someone who needs it
- listen to music with headphones
- speak quietly
- keep your bag on your lap NOT on the seat next to you
- sit on the seat closest to the window
Describe 2 features of a healthy relationship
Answers may vary but some possible answers are:
- good communication (talk and share feelings both ways)
- feeling happy and safe with that person
- allowing for space and letting the other person have friends outside of the relationship
When preparing food, what does "to dice" mean?
To chop up into small chunks.
List 2 ways to keep your privacy safe online/while using technology.
Answer will vary, but here are some options:
- have different passwords/don't share your password
- set your page to 'private' not 'public'
- only allow people you know to be your friends online
- clear your phone before you get rid of it/give it away
How often should you wash your body (shower/bathe)?
Name one of the buses that travels through Baseline Station. Exact names are needed! E.g. 101 Springland
- 88 Terry Fox/88 Hurdman
-74/75 Tunny's Pasture/74 Nepean Woods/75 Barrhaven
- 111 Billings/Carleton
List 3 different coping strategies for dealing with stress.
Answers may vary. Potential answers:
- going for a walk
- boxed breathing
- squeeze and release (fists)
- talk to someone (counselor, friend, etc.)
- activity that brings you joy (e.g. petting a dog, colouring, etc.)
Describe 3 ways to be safe in a kitchen.
Answer will vary but may include:
- when using a knife, never look away from what you are cutting (eyes on the prize!)
- wear an apron to avoid oil splatter
- never leave knives in a sink
- always wash your hands!!!
- never leave the stove/oven unattended
What are 3 characteristics of a 'good' or successful employee?
Answers will vary:
- organized
- punctual
- team player
- responsible
- communicative
How often should you replace your toothbrush?
Every 3 months or after you are sick
How much is it for a single ticket to ride a bus on the OC transpo?
$3.70 with a Presto Pass
$3.75 cash
What is "gaslighting?"
Extra 20 points if you can give an example.
Manipulating someone into doubting their sanity
E.g. "You are being overly sensitive," "I never said that," or "I did that because I love you" etc.
What purpose does "baking powder" serve in baking (think: why is it so important for baking desserts, such as cookies)?
It will make them rise!
What does the "s" stand for in "S.M.A.R.T. goals"
S = ?
M = measurable
A = attainable
R = relevant
T = timely