A Sketchy Scene
Reliable Witnesses?
Traces we Leave Behind
Medical History
Vital Signs
Routine Testing

This search method is used on large, outdoor crime scenes. Members of the search team are arranged at regular intervals, usually arm’s length, and then proceed to search along straight lines.

What is Line/strip method?


The number of times your heart beats in one minute’s time

What is heart rate?


The outermost layer of hair that is flaky.

What is the cuticle?

A medical professional that acts as an intermediary between patients, their families and the hospital administration.

What is a Patient Liason?

Vital sign measured using a sphygmomanometer.

What is blood pressure?


This vein is the most common location for drawing blood from a patient.

What is the median cubital vein?


The main problem of this type of diabetes is that the body can not produce insulin.

What is Type 1?


This is a way for individuals to remotely access health-related services using technology, rather than in-person contact.

What is telehealth?


This type of search method is often used in homes, buildings or other spaces that can easily be divided into separate areas.

What is the zone method?


4 physiological factors that are monitored during a polygraph test.

What are Heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductivity, respiratory rate?


Very tiny characteristics in fingerprint ridge details used to establish that they are identical.

What are minutiae?


The patient's description of what they feel is their main health problem?

What is a chief complaint?


The maintenance of stable internal physiological conditions which enables the optimal functioning of an organism

What is homeostasis?


This is a network of organs, tissues, vessels, and nodes that filter and circulate fluids with white blood cells throughout the body.

What is the lymphatic system?


This organ releases insulin or glucagon depending on the body's current blood glucose level. 

What is the pancreas?


Type of medical condition that progresses over a duration of at least three months and may persist throughout the rest of a patients life. 

What are chronic conditions?


Someone who law enforcement thinks may have information related to a possible crime.

 What is a person of interest?


The group in an experiment where the independent variable being tested is not applied. It sets a baseline for comparison.

What is the control group?


Circular or spiral patterns in fingerprints

What is a whorl pattern?


Pieces of evidence that indicate an illness that can be observed externally, such as a rash, coughing, or elevated temperature.

What are physical signs?


The vital sign measured using a pulse oximeter.

What is oxygen saturation?


These are the four main components of blood.

What are plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets?


A 12 year old patient is experiencing increased thirst and is very tired. It is medically determined that their pancreas is not functioning properly. This patient most likely has this type of diabetes.

What is Type 1?


This Act is commonly known by it's acronym HIPAA.

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996?


This method is used on crime scenes with no physical barriers, such as open water.

What is the spiral method?


The responding variables that may change due to the manipulative being applied to them.

What is dependent variable

Fingerprint patterns that slope up and down, like tiny mountains

What are arches?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. 

What is empathy?


Nursing career that allows individuals to order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests such as lab work and x-rays as well as prescription medications and other treatments

What is a nurse practitioner?


This systems is used to visually assess skin growths and moles and determine if they are normal or abnormal.

What is the ABCDE system?


This type of feedback loop causes the system to stop doing the original action and perform an opposite action to maintain homeostasis.

What is negative feedback?


Denying a patient access to their own health records or the ability to choose to share their records with other medical professionals is a violation of this act. 

What is HIPAA?


This search method is used on crime scenes that are comprised of readily definable sections, such as in houses or buildings.

What is the zone method?


Someone who law enforcement thinks may have information related to a possible crime.

What is a person of interest?


Theory that every time you make contact with another person, place, or thing, it results in an exchange of physical materials.

What is Locard’s exchange principle?


A specialist trained to work in the front line of a healthcare system and provide care for any health problems that a patient might have. 

What is a primary care physician?


The pressure exerted by the blood upon the walls of the blood vessels.

What is blood pressure?


Low red blood cell count and low hematocrit on a CBC test can indicate this condition which is often treated with iron supplements.

What is anemia?


When the pancreas makes insulin but the cells in the body do not respond to it, it is know as insulin _______?

What is insulin resistance?


These are the monomers or building blocks of proteins.

What are amino acids?


A key that lists all observable evidence and a legend that includes the date, time, location, and temperature should be included in this important piece of crime scene documentation. 

What is a crime scene sketch?


Identify the Question, Make a Prediction, Design an Experiment, Conduct the Experiment, Analyze the Data, Communicate Findings

What are the steps in the Experimental Design Cycle?


The layer of hair that contains most of the pigment that creates hair color. 

What is the cortex?


The identification of a patient's disease or injury.

What is a diagnosis?


This vital sign can be taken using the radial or carotid arteries.

What is heart rate?


This is the "good" cholesterol that is responsible for removing excess cholesterol from the blood stream and transporting it to the liver. 

What is HDL or high-density lipoprotein?


Low blood sugar levels are also know as this

What is hypoglycemia?


These are the monomers of nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA?

What are nucleotides?