A metal commonly used in the 1940’s to 1960’s. This metal tends to rust and corrode over time, causing leaks or low water pressure (when the pipe fills in with sediment and calcium or lime deposits).
Galvanized Pipes
This allows you to turn the flow of water on and off, usually in the bathrooms and kitchen.
Up to a maximum of $2,000 per incident with up to $2,000 in annual coverage. Covers you for repair of interior leaks or breaks on the water supply and drainage lines.
Plumbing Protection
Is the easiest to use for a clogged toilet or a clogged sink.
Drain Stick
Is not used in plumbing today. A water line with this cannot be repaired; if a repair is needed, the entire water line will be replaced.
Lead Pipe
Piece of sanitary hardware that collects human urine and feces, and sometimes toilet paper, usually for disposal
Up to a maximum of $2,000 per incident with up to $2,000 in annual coverage. Covers you for repair of interior leaks or breaks on the water supply and drainage lines. Additional covers the removal of clogs.
Preferred Plumbing Protection
May be needed if the drain stick doesn’t clear the blockage. These can be hand driven or electric.
Hand Snake
This is the cheapest and lightest pipe and is easy to work with. It is the preferred choice when replacing sewer lines, without the exception of NYC.
Used for washing dishes and preparing food.
Kitchen Sink
Up to $4,000 for parts and labor. Up to $1,000 for material and labor for public street cutting and repair. Up to $500 reimbursement for landscape restoration
Outside Water Line Protection
This may be needed to diagnose the condition of the sewer line. It will show tree roots, a break in the line, or a belly.
is where the water company will turn the customer’s water service on and off.
Curb Box
What is a container for holding water in which a person or animal may bathe
Up to $4,000 for parts and labor. Up to $4,000 for material and labor for public street cutting and repair. Up to $500 reimbursement for landscape restoration.
Outside Sewer Line Protection
may be used to clear a blockage if the sewer snake fails to remove it. It uses water pressure plus the cutting heads to double up and clear the blockage.
this valve controls the water pressure in the house to protect piping fixtures.
PRV (Pressure Reduction Valve)
What is a place in which a person bathes under a spray of typically warm or hot water.
Up to a maximum of $2,000 per incident with up to $2,000 in annual coverage for repairs on toilet or fixtures
Fixture Protection Plan
When snaking does not remove the blockage, then the only option is to dig up the sewer line.