What is pluto's terrain like?
What is Icy and floating mountains
What are Plutos colors?
What is yellow, orange, deep red?
How many planets are in our orbit?
What is eight planets?
What year did the mission reach Pluto?
What is 2015?
Where is Pluto located?
What is kuiper belt
What cartoon has a dog named Pluto?
What is Mickey Mouse
When was Pluto discovered?
What is 1930?
What is the name of the Mission to Pluto?
What is New Horizons?
How many moons does Pluto have?
What is 5
How wide is Pluto?
What is one half of the United States?
When did Pluto stop being called a planet?
What is 2006?
How long did it take to reach Pluto?
What is 9.5 years?
Plutos core is made out of what?
What is rock, water ice, and methane frost
How long does it take Pluto to orbit the sun? (years)
What is 248 years?
Who is the plant named after?
What is the Roman god of the underworld?
What did the mission find out about Pluto?
What is finding that Pluto is a complex world with mountains, valleys, plains, craters, and glaciers?
Name Pluto's 5 moons?
What is Nix, Charon, Hydra , Kerberos, and styx
Who defined what a dwarf planet is?
What is International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Why isn't Pluto considered a planet anymore?
What is not able to clear orbit of debris?
How much did New Horizons cost?
What is 720 million?