Nature of Science
Earth and Space Science
Physical and Chemical Changes
Forms of Energy and Force
Life Science

The first astronauts walked on the moon more than 50 years ago. Look at the picture of a footprint of an astronaut’s boot on the moon. Which statement is a scientific observation? 

A. The boot weighs a lot. 

B. The boot print has ridges. 

C. The boot is colored white. 

D. The temperature of the boot is very cold.

B - The boot print has ridges.


Which of the following describes a change that happens only because of weathering? 

A. rocks rolling down a hill 

B. pebbles flowing along a river 

C. wind blowing sand across a beach 

D. wind smoothing the edges of a large boulder

D. wind smoothing the edges of a large boulder


Which of the following best describes a liquid? 

A. It has its own shape. 

B. It has a definite shape. 

C. It takes the shape of its container. 

D. It takes the volume of its container.

C. It takes the shape of its container.


The picture shows what happens when light shines on a tank of water. What property of light does this picture show? 

A. Light only bends in water. 

B. Light gets brighter the farther it travels. 

C. Light gets brighter when it reflects off of smooth surfaces. 

D. When light travels from one substance to another, it bends.

D. When light travels from one substance to another, it bends.


Bryan set up the following experiment. Inside the large glass bowl is a smaller bowl and water. The large glass bowl is covered with plastic wrap, held in place by a rubber band, with a weight on the outside of the wrap. Which part of the water cycle causes the water droplets to form on the plastic wrap? 




When an apple tree drops its fruit, the seeds fall to the ground and are covered with damp soil. After some time, the apple seeds will start to sprout (crack open and begin to grow). What is the term for this process? 

A. pollination 

B. fertilization 

C. germination

D. decomposition

C. germination


Which of the following must be true for scientific results to be valid? 

A. The results should be drawn in a graph. 

B. The results should be based on evidence. 

C. The results should support the ideas of other scientists. 

D. The results should match the predictions of the scientist.

B- The results should be based on evidence


Sara has a box of minerals. All the minerals in the box were mixed up. One of the minerals had an earthy, dull appearance. Which physical property is Sara observing?



Kyle and Jan are comparing two samples of matter. They make a table of the properties of each sample.

Which property provides the best evidence that both samples are solids rather than liquids? 

A. mass 

B. color 

C. shape 

D. volume

C - Shape


Sofia pushes with equal force on two objects. Object 1 has twice as much mass as Object 2. Which of the following statements is true? 

A. Both objects will remain still. 

B. Object 1 will move faster than object 2. 

C. Object 2 will move faster than object 1.

D. Both objects will move at the same rate.

C. Object 2 will move faster than object 1.


Swampy areas like the one shown below can be found in many Florida locations. What weather conditions are most frequently found in this environment? 

A. low temperature, low humidity 

B. high temperature, low humidity 

C. low temperature, high humidity 

D. high temperature, high humidity

D. high temperature, high humidity


When seeds are planted in a garden they are covered by soil. The seeds germinate and the plant stems eventually comes up through the soil. What causes the plant stems to grow up through the soil? 

A. They grow in response to light.

B. They grow in response to touch. 

C. They grow in response to water. 

D. They grow in response to gravity.

A. They grow in response to light. 

(they do this because they grow up towards the sunlight)


Kyle completes his science project for his fifth grade teacher by carrying out a scientific investigation. Which statement about Kyle's investigation is true? 

A. Kyle's investigation must include observation and evidence. 

B. Kyle must have an investigation with steps that follow a set pattern. 

C. Kyle's project is valid only if the teacher personally likes the results. 

D. Kyle must include all the steps of the scientific method for his results to be valid.

A - Kyle's investigation must include observation and evidence


A scientist rubs two minerals against each other to see if one of the minerals can scratch the other mineral. What property is the scientist testing?



Janice found two seashells when she went to the beach. They appear to be almost the same size, but they have different shapes. How could she figure out if their volume is the same? 

A. Fill each seashell with water to see if they hold the same amount. 

B. Find the mass of each seashell on a balance to see if they have the same mass. 

C. Measure the length of each seashell with a measuring tape to see if they are the same length.

D. Drop each shell into a graduated cylinder with water to see if they raise the water level equally

D - Drop each shell into a graduated cylinder with the water to see if they raise the water level equally.


Tara’s mom parked their car on the road. Tara ran from the car to the house. Which statement is true about Tara’s movement? 

A. Tara changed direction but did not change position. 

B. Tara’s speed was the same throughout the movement. 

C. Tara changed position and may have changed direction.

D. Tara’s position was the same throughout the movement

C - Tara changed position and may have changed direction. 


Which of these statements best describes the ocean’s role in the water cycle? 

A. The oceans are a main source and storage unit to hold water.

B. The oceans are not as important as lakes that store fresh water. 

C. The oceans are not very important because of their salt content. 

D. The oceans provide the energy needed for the water cycle to take place

A. The oceans are a main source and storage unit to hold water.


Which answer best describes the purpose of the pancreas in the human body? 

A. The pancreas mixes blood and oxygen. 

B. The pancreas removes excess fluids from the body. 

C. The pancreas stores large quantities of blood, minerals and vitamins. 

D. The pancreas helps with digestion by secreting enzymes to break down food.

D. The pancreas helps with digestion by secreting enzymes to break down food.


Sophia is brainstorming ideas for her science fair weather project. Which of the following questions will be the most difficult to test with valid measurements? 

A. How happy will the children be during the snow storm?

B. How much precipitation will fall during the snow storm? 

C. How much pressure will be in the air during the snow storm? 

D. How many miles an hour will the wind be blowing during the snow storm?

A. How happy will the children be during the snow storm?


Juan drew the picture below as a two-dimensional model of how Earth moves in space. 

How long does it take Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis?

1 day = 24 hours


Mass and volume are two properties that can be used to describe matter. Which of the following statements describes what you observe about the mass and volume of the two objects on the balance below?  

A. Both objects have the same mass, but Object B has more volume.

B. Both objects have the same volume, but Object B has more mass. 

C. Both objects have the same mass, but Object A has more volume. 

D. Both objects have the same volume, but Object A has more mass.

D. Both objects have the same volume, but Object A has more mass


Because the force of gravity is so strong, it appears to attract all objects equally, regardless of mass. Which of the following is illustrated by this idea? 

A. Two cars traveling along the road at the same speed in opposite directions. 

B. A rubber ball will bounce much higher than a wooden ball, even if they weigh the same. 

C. Magnets can both repel and attract each other, depending on how they come into contact. 

D. A bowling ball and a marble will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.

D. A bowling ball and a marble will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them


You wake up one morning and the sky is filled with a blanket of stratus clouds low in the sky. What can you predict the weather will be like based on these clouds? 

A. light rain all day 

B. heavy rain and hail 

C. clear and sunny day

 D. strong thunderstorms

A. light rain all day


This model shows the organs the human body uses to digest food. 

 Which organ absorbs most of the nutrients from our food?

A. liver 

B. stomach 

C. large intestine 

D. small intestine

D. small intestine


Thomas and Julie wanted to find out which material would insulate their teacher's coffee cup and keep the coffee hot for the longest period of time. They first wrapped her cup with bubble wrap and recorded the temperature of the coffee once every 15 minutes for 2 hours. They repeated the investigation, this time using newspaper instead of bubble wrap, but they got the same results for both materials. What could they do to make sure their results are valid? 

A. Use tea instead of coffee. 

B. Repeat their investigation. 

C. Use a different thermometer. 

D. Conduct their investigation in a colder room.

B - Repeat their investigation


True of False?

Two similar-sized stars may vary in brightness when viewed from Earth


- one might be closer to Earth than the other.


Which of the following describes an example of a material undergoing a chemical change to become another material with different characteristics? 

A. Iron turns to rust when it is exposed to oxygen. 

B. When water boils, it turns into vapor, which is a gas. 

C. Oxygen can become liquid at a very low temperature. 

D. Gold can be spread out very thin to cover a large area.

A - Iron turns to rust when it is exposed to oxygen.


While on a camping trip, Cassie and Katie are traveling in a boat on a river. On their trip, the river's current carries them along at a speed of 5 meters per second (m/s). They do not need to row because the current is carrying them in the direction they need to go. If no other forces are acting on the boat, which of these statements describes the motion of the boat as it travels? 

A. It speeds up. 

B. It slows down. 

C. It stays the same. 

D. It changes direction

C - It stays the same.


Which answer best explains why clouds usually form high in the sky, as part of the water cycle? 

A. It is cold enough there for the water vapor to condense. 

B. It is warm enough there for evaporated water to expand into clouds. 

C. It is dry enough there for precipitation to form from condensed water vapor. 

D. It is windy enough there for water droplets to get pushed together into clouds.

A. It is cold enough there for the water vapor to condense. 


The Florida maple tree is a flowering plant. The Florida longleaf pine tree is a nonflowering plant. Both trees go through various stages in their life cycles. Which stage is found in the life cycle of both trees? 

A. spore 

B. seedling 

C. adult conifer tree 

D. adult flowering tree

B. seedling


Why is it important for scientists to publish their results after completing an investigation after testing different soils? 

A. So other farmers are able to decide which crop to plant. 

B. So other scientists are able to replicate the investigation. 

C. So other farmers are able to grow crops in their own plot. 

D. So other scientists are able to record the amount of watering that occurred.  

B - So other scientists are able to replicate the investigation


Which statement correctly describes moons? 

A. Moons are naturally occurring satellites that orbit planets. 

B. Moons are spheres of gas that have strong gravitational pull. 

C. Moons are very small objects made of mostly rock and metal that orbit the Sun. 

D. Moons are small cosmic bodies made of frozen gas, ice, dust, and rock that trail behind it

A - Moons are naturally occurring satellites that orbit planets.


Which of the following will result in a substance with new chemical properties? 

A. cutting wood 

B. shredding a newspaper 

C. roasting marshmallows 

D. boiling water evaporating

C - Roasting Marshmallows 


Ryder writes a summary of a lesson about heat energy. Which statement should Ryder include in his summary? 

A. Objects that give off heat always give off light energy. 

B. An object’s temperature is not affected by heat transfer. 

C. Heat always moves from where it is cooler to where it is warmer. 

D. Heat always moves from where it is warmer to where it is cooler 

D. Heat always moves from where it is warmer to where it is cooler


Which answer choice lists the weather conditions that would most likely result in a sunny day? 

A. low pressure, low humidity, with cirrus clouds 

B. high pressure, low humidity, with cirrus clouds

C. low pressure, high humidity, with stratus clouds 

D. high pressure, high humidity, with cumulus clouds

B. high pressure, low humidity, with cirrus clouds 


The bald cypress tree produces seeds that are protected within cones. This tree is found in Florida swamps where heavy rains create floods. The flood waters spread the cones throughout the swamps. What role do the flood waters play in the life cycle of the bald cypress? 

A. pollination 

B. fertilization 

C. seed dispersal

D. removal of dead leaves

C. seed dispersal


A teacher writes the following note on a student’s experimental design: “You did not identify a control group.” Why is it important to identify a control group? 

A. Because a scientist must form a prediction to see if their results are valid. 

B. Because a scientist must know which variable to use for making a model. 

C. Because a scientist must observe data to make a conclusion based on evidence. 

D. Because a scientist must know what normally occurs so they can compare this to what they are testing.

D. Because a scientist must know what normally occurs so they can compare this to what they are testing.


Which of the following is best classified as a nonrenewable resource? 

A. water 

B. sunlight 

C. natural gas 

D. fruits and vegetables

C - Natural Gas


Maria stirred salt in water causing the salt to dissolve. She placed the cup of the salt water on a windowsill. She observed the cup for two days. Which of the following would correctly indicate the change that occurred? 

A. A chemical change because a new substance was formed. 

B. A physical change because the water condensed leaving the salt behind. 

C. A physical change because the water evaporated leaving the salt behind. 

D. A chemical change because the water evaporated leaving the salt behind.

C. A physical change because the water evaporated leaving the salt behind.


The pitch of a sound depends on how fast an object vibrates. The faster an object vibrates, the higher its pitch. As an object vibrates, it sends sound waves through the air. Low-pitched sounds have waves that are farther apart. The picture below shows sound waves made by two different objects that are vibrating. What can you conclude about these two sounds? 

A. Sound 1 is louder. 

B. Sound 2 is louder. 

C. Sound 1 has a lower pitch.

D. Sound 2 has a lower pitch.

C. Sound 1 has a lower pitch.


A weather report predicts that it will be a cloudy, wet day. What weather condition caused the meteorologist to predict this weather? 

A. low humidity 

B. no precipitation 

C. low air pressure 

D. high air pressure

C - low air pressure


The Eastern Lubber Grasshopper is a common sight in Florida. This grasshopper can get as long as 7 cm. The female grasshopper lays eggs. The eggs hatch into nymphs. Nymphs look like small adults, but without wings. Which statement is true about the Eastern Lubber Grasshopper? 

A. This grasshopper can fly shortly after the eggs hatch. 

B. This grasshopper goes through complete metamorphosis. 

C. This grasshopper goes through incomplete metamorphosis.

C. This grasshopper goes through incomplete metamorphosis.


The students in Mrs. Shapiro’s class are experimenting to see whether different types of soil affect the growth of plants. They plant three seedlings in sandy soil, three more in clay soil, and three more in topsoil. They give each plant the same amount of water and place the plants in a sunny window as shown below. After two weeks, the students observe that the plants in the topsoil grew best. Which of the following is evidence on which the students will base their conclusions? 

A. observations and drawings of the seeds 

B. description of the procedures for the investigation 

C. predictions the students made before the investigation 

D. height of the plants growing in each of the different soils

D. height of the plants growing in each of the different soils


. In the summer, Ana looked up in the night sky and saw her favorite pattern of stars. Later in the year, Ana was observing the night sky and noticed she wasn’t able to see the same stars. What causes us to see only certain patterns of stars during certain times of the year? 

A. the Sun’s rotation 

B. the Earth’s rotation 

C. the Sun’s revolution 

D. the Earth’s revolution

D - The Earth's Revolution


LaMont was preparing for a visit to his grandfather’s house, and was planning on eating a banana for a snack before leaving. It took him longer than expected to pack, and he didn’t get a chance to eat the banana before he had to leave his house. LaMont didn’t want the banana to rot, so he placed it in the freezer before leaving. Which of these statements best explains why LaMont placed the banana in the freezer? 

A. Chemical changes happen only if the temperature is very hot. 

B. Chemical changes are not affected by a change in temperature. 

C. Chemical changes generally happen faster at lower temperatures. 

D. Chemical changes generally happen slower at lower temperatures.

D- Chemical changes generally happen slower at lower temperature.


21. Annabelle and Jose are building a complete circuit for their science inquiry in class. They want the light bulb to turn on and off so they install a switch. The light switch can be used to open and close their circuit. Given the information above, which statement below must be true about using a switch in a circuit? 

A. The switch must use a conductor such as rubber to open the circuit and light the bulb. 

B. The switch must use an insulator such as rubber to close the circuit and light the bulb. 

C. The switch must use an insulator such as copper to open the circuit and light the bulb. 

D. The switch must use a conductor such as copper to close the circuit and light the bulb.

D. The switch must use a conductor such as copper to close the circuit and light the bulb.


Two towns have about the same latitude and elevation. One town is on the coast and the other is far inland. How would the summer weather of the inland town most likely be different from the weather in the coastal town? 

A. lower temperatures and experience less rainfall 

B. higher temperatures and experience less rainfall 

C. lower temperatures and experience more rainfall 

D. higher temperatures and experience more rainfall

B. higher temperatures and experience less rainfall


Some insects go through incomplete metamorphosis, while others go through complete metamorphosis. The life cycle of both butterflies and grasshoppers starts at the same stage. The pictures below show an example of the differences in the life cycle of both organisms. Use this information to answer the question below. 

What stage is part of complete metamorphosis, but not incomplete metamorphosis? 

A. egg      B. pupa      C. adult      D. nymph

 B. Pupa