Historical Influences
Declaring Independence
Three Branches of Gov't
US Election Process
Our Rights

Which ancient civilization gave the Founders the ideas of republicanism, separation of powers, and rule of law?

Ancient Rome


What British action were the colonists protesting with a stamp shaped like a skull and crossbones?

Stamp Act


After a bill passes a full vote in the Senate, where does it have to go before it can go to the President?

House of Representatives (the whole how-a-bill-becomes-a-law process has to be repeated)


After you turn 18, what do you need to do to be allowed to vote (before you show up at the polls on Election Day)

Register to vote


Which Supreme Court case outlawed segregation in schools?

Brown v. Board of Education


Which ancient civilization gave the Founders the ideas of democracy, the polis, civic participation, and a written constitution? 

Ancient Greece (Athens)


Which principle from John Locke is shown in this quote from the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Natural Rights


When the Supreme Court exercises judicial review, what is it doing?

Declaring a law constitutional or unconstitutional (deciding if the law is ok or if they will get rid of the law because it conflicts with the Constitution)


How old do you have to be to be allowed to become governor of Florida



To legally search someone or arrest them, police must have one of these two things.

Warrant or probable cause 


Which Enlightenment thinker wrote about separation of powers?



Which principle of John Locke is shown in this quote from the Declaration of Independence: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government . . ."

Social contract


What part of each chamber of Congress reviews all the bills dealing with a particular area of public policy before the bills can be debated or voted on?



What are 3 qualifications to become President of the US?

1) At least 35 years old

2) Natural born citizen

3) Live in the US at least 14 years


Which Supreme Court case held that "students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate."

Tinker v. Des Moines


Which historical document was the first time the British limited their government's power?

Magna Carta


How did the British punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party?

Intollerable Acts/Coercive Acts


What are the 2 steps in appointing a Supreme Court Justice, cabinet member, or ambassador?

1) Nominated (or "appointed") by the President

2) Approved (or "confirmed") by the Senate


Which Supreme Court case decided the 2000 election and held that a state could not recount some ballots without doing a full recount across the state?

Bush v. Gore


Name all 5 freedoms protected by the 1st Amendment

Speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly


Which historical document was based on the ideas of self-government and consent of the governed?

Mayflower Compact


What was the main cause that led the British to start increasing taxes on the American colonies in the 1760s?

War debt from the French and Indian War


What are the two steps in Congress removing a President from office through impeachment?

1) House of Representatives impeaches the Preident (decides there is enough evidence that a crime as been committed)

2) Senate holds a trial. 2/3 must vote guilty to remove President from office.


How do you calculate the number of Electoral College votes each state has?

Their total number of representatives in Congress (House + 2 Senators)


Which Supreme Court case declared that juveniles are entitled to due process protections if they're accused of a crime?

In re Gault