Process Groups
Terms and Thangz
Mix Tape

Use of motivational theories.

Name and Define 2 Theories.

Which process group and knowledge area are they applicable.

Classify theory as I/TT/O

Answer as a team.

List of Theories:

- Maslow Hierarchy of Needs,

- McClelland's Achievement Theory, 

- Herzberg 2 Factor Theory, 

- Theory X & Y, 

- Motivation Hygiene,

- ERG Theory, 

- Vrooms Expectancy Theory


Monitoring and Controlling

- Which processes apply to the Integration Management knowledge area.

4.5 Monitor and Control Project Work

4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control


Inputs to Manage Stakeholder Engagement

What Process Group is this activity in?

Executing Process Group

Project plan

Communication plan

Risk management plan

Change, Issue logs




What is crashing and fast tracking?

TT of Planning Process group / Schedule Management whereby you can use 2 methods to shorten the critical path and project duration.

Crashing - Reduce activity time by adding resources

Fast Tracking - Transfer activities done in parallel order


RISKY Behavior:

Risks may be ongoing and identified over the life cycle of a project. Identify risks is what type of process?

What are the different risk responses?


Effort Driven


Iterative (Ans)

Risk responses: Avoidance, Transfer, Mitigate, etc.



What are they, what does it mean?

How do they support overall project management framework.

Organizational Process Assets

-  Templates, change control procedures, historical lessons learned that help guide the project.


Planning Process Group

What processes apply to Communication Management

10.1 Plan Communication Management


Outputs of the 6.5 Develop Schedule Process

What are the commonly used to display the schedule.

Project Schedule - defines start/finish dates, inserts milestones, resource requirements etc.

Modeling methods:

- Bar Chart, Milestone Chart, Project Schedule network diagram


Difference between resource smoothing and resource leveling

Capacity management of resources.

Smoothing - balancing of activities across set resources

Leveling -  adjusting schedule activities to not exceed resource limits i.e. work within critical planned float



Which process uses control charts, cause and effect diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams?

Control Quality (Ans)

Manage Quality

Plan Quality 

Report Performance 


Project Scope

Discuss what is achieved in which knowledge area/process group?

What are key ITTOs?

What are the components of scope baseline?

Scope - the defined set of work deliverables that drive product work.

Scope Management includes the development of the Plan Scope Management, Collection of Requirements, Definition of Scope, and Creation of WBS.

PMs will manage to the scope baseline (time, schedule, cost)


Initiating Process Group

What are all the applicable processes associated with this group?

4.1 Develop Project Charter

13.1 Identify Stakeholders


All the baby plans that support the Develop Project Plan.

Scope management plan

Requirements management plan

Schedule management plan

Cost management plan

Quality  management plan

Resource management plan

Communications management plan

Risk Management plan

Procurement Management plan


Change management plan

Configuration management

Scope and Schedule baseline

Cost baseline

Performance measurement baseline

Project life cycle description

Development approach.



Calculate Critical Path

Calculate float = Calculate each activity.

Float =  Late Start - Early Start or Late Finish - Early Finish

CP - Longest path whereby float is equal to zero


Johnny Hancock Required

What is the main objective of Validate Scope Process?

Acceptance of Work


Use of "Basis of Estimates"

In which phase is this information helpful?

What are the inputs to the Basis of Estimates?

In Schedule Management within the Planning Process group, there are 5 process activities:

- Plan Schedule Management

- Define Activities

- Sequence Activities

- Estimate Activity Durations

- Develop Schedule.

Basis of Estimates - is an Output that includes Project description, method, assumptions, risks, estimate range and confidence level.




Share example of Risk Management within the Execution Process Group. Include ITTOs within description.

Key processes:

Implement risk responses.

Example of risk responses ITTO:

I - risk management plan, project documents, risk register.

TT - Expert Judgment, Interpersonal skills, PMIS

O- CRs, 

Inputs to Develop Project Charter

Business documents: Business Case


Enterprise environmental factors

Organizational Process assets


3 Point Estimating.

This is an ITTO of what?

How is this best used.

used in Planning Process Group and Cost Management Knowledge Area

TT - uses a math equation to incorporate risk and uncertainty into the estimate.

Includes: Most likely, Optimistic - Best Case

Pessimistic - Worst Case


Difference between an Inspection vs. Audit

What Process Group would this activity occur?

Control Procurement Process in Monitoring and Controlling Process.

Inspection - structured review of the work being performed, while an audit is structured review of the procurement process


Use of a Project Schedule Network Diagram

This is an output of which process group and knowledge area.

This diagram aka Project Plan (visually similar to MS Project (Ghantt Chart). It shows relationships between FS, SF, FF, SS and the critical path activities. Often the work is displayed as a WBS format.

Done in Schedule Management, in Planning Phase.


Executing Process

What activities and TTs are used within "Conduct Procurements"

CP - uses procurement docs created in the Plan Procurements to solicit and evaluate seller responses and establishing contracts.

TT - Expert judgement, Bidder Conferences, Data Analysis Negotiation

I - Procurement documentation e.g. RFI, RFP

O- SOW - Select sellers, agreements.


TTs for Developing a project charter

- Expert judgement

- Data Gathering (Brainstorming, Focus Groups, Interviews)

- Meeting Engagement


TTs for 7.2 Estimate Costs

Alternative analysis - impact of different options

Reserve analysis - calculates amount of reserves to account for cost uncertainty aka contingency funds

Cost of quality - plans for costs of conformance and non-conformance


Discuss TTs for Group Decision Making Techniques

*Other Decision Making Methods

Unanimity - everyone agrees to single action

Delphi technique - selective expert group analyzes responses and provides feedback

Majority - consensus on more than 50% of team

Plurality - Usually when 2 or more options exist, but largest group votes for 1 options

Dictatorship - 1 individual decides for all

*Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
