My Pet Peeves
PNHS All Stars
Where To?
You Know Me So Well
Rules of the Room

You've been told to do this since kindergarten, so when you get up to leave don't forget to push this in.

What is your chair?


Not following the Rules of the Room. Let's hope you don't have to visit one of these four individuals.

Who are the deans?


Oh no, my laptop is broken! This is where I would go to get it fixed.

What is the Media Center?


This happiest day of the week, according to Mrs. Martzel, also happens to be the day that teachers get to wear jeans to school.

What is Friday?


These two of my senses should not be able to detect YOUR cell phones.

What are sight and sound?


This student produced program is aired most Monday mornings in lieu of announcements and Mrs. Martzel get a little testy when students are talking during it.

What is Tiger TV?


If you decide to take Culinary Arts, you'll most likely be taught by this famous PNHS Chef.

Who is Chef T?


Lost your ID? This is where you would visit to get a new one.

What is the attendance office?


Mrs. Martzel has a son at this high school.....which also happens to be the team that PNHS will play at their first football game.

What is Lockport Township High School?


Room 129 and a national park have this in common: You should never leave this behind.

What is your trash?


You might say these in your house, but Mrs. Martzel does NOT like to hear them in hers....or her classroom.

What are swear words?


Is your schedule not working for you? These are the people you will want to see to help you make a change.

Who are the counselors?


Missed today's announcements?  This is where you can go to find a list of them.

What is your Google Classroom class page?


Every coffee drinker is loyal to one, this is my drive-thru coffee chain of choice.

What is Dunkin Donuts?


Your phone may be in low power mode, but if you want to charge, you need to do it here.

What is the front of the room or on one of the side walls?


This is what you are showing Mrs. Martzel and your classmates when you listen rather than talk during instruction.

What is respect?


This person always ends any announcements with the phrase, "Go Tigers!".

Who is Mr. Draper?


Not sure how to apply for college, you might need to visit this place.

What is College and Career Services?


Along with boasting the 5th largest library in the nation, this college also happens to be Mrs. Martzel's alma mater.

What is the University of Illinois?


Heading to the bathroom?  Make sure you leave this behind.

What is your cell phone?


It's not worth anything, but it's extremely valuable, and for some reason students like to leave it in the bathroom or shove it in their pockets. 

What is the restroom pass?


Loving your business class so far? You might have one of these two teachers if you continue on in the business curriculum at PNHS.

Who are Mr. Redmore or Mrs. O'Connell?


If you needed to enter the address for PNHS into your phone's maps app, this is the exact address you would enter.

What is 12005 248th Ave, Plainfield, IL 60585?


If you paid attention yesterday, you know that Mrs. Martzel dislikes these two things..... which most other people seem to enjoy.

What are amusement parks and music?


These objects in our classroom might be fairly outdated, but you still shouldn't damage or unplug them.

What are the computers?