Vital Knowledge
Do you hear what I hear?
Viruses and Bacteria and Fungi, Oh My!
Assessing the Situation
It's like a clinical checkoff (without all the tachycardia nervous sweating)


What is the normal range of an adult's heart rate / pulse?


The medical term for "listening"

What is auscultation?


Antibiotics can be used to treat this kind of infection.

What is bacterial?


I assess this when I press the fingernail of my patient, expecting it to turn white (blanche) and then return to its normal color in less than 3 seconds.

What is capillary refill?


This type of glove is selected because it protects my patient, not just me.

What are sterile gloves?


SpO2 evaluates the percentage of hemoglobin bound to *this*.

What is oxygen (oxygen molecule)?



What are normoactive bowel sounds?

Natural, or innate, defenses of this hollow organ include a multilayered epithelium and periodic flushing action. 

What is the bladder?


Tested by pinching the skin under the clavicle to help evaluate hydration status - but will also be altered (tented) with advanced age.

What is skin turgor?


Precautions for a patient with HIV.

What are standard precautions?


These vessels, such as the brachial or radial, are responsible for taking oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

What are arteries?


The "lub-dub" of heart valves closing.

What are S1 and S2?


Taking broad-spectrum antibiotics can harm these, the large number of microorganisms residing on the surface and deep layers of the skin, in the saliva, and on the oral mucosa and intestinal walls that generally protect against illness.

What is normal flora?


These are the vessels responsible for bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the body.

What are veins?


Exposure to cold causes vessels to do this.

What is vasoconstrict?


This is the period during which pressure generated by the heart is the highest.

What is systole?


An abnormal "blowing" sound caused by turbulent blood in the carotid artery, this may indicate blockage or narrowing. 

What is a bruit?


By increasing lung capacity, circulation, energy, and endurance, *THIS* supports healthy immune function. 

What is exercise?


The "5 Ps" of perfusion.

Pain, Pulse, Pallor, Paresthesia, Paralysis


Carotid arteries should be assessed using this part of a stethoscope, meant for listening to lower pitched sounds.

What is the bell?


Often resulting in dizziness or fainting, this decreased blood pressure occurs when a patient changes position from lying to sitting / standing. 

What is orthostatic hypotension? 


Normal in the superior aspects of the lungs, these breath sounds are considered abnormal if heard in the middle or lower sections.

What are bronchial lung sounds?


This is one of the best medically aseptic ways to control the spread of microorganisms: it is cheap and easy but often underperformed.

What is good hand hygiene? 


The nurse understands that to assess for cyanosis on a dark-skinned patient, it is important to inspect the:

What are mucous membranes / inside the lip / conjunctival sac of the eye (any of these is an acceptable answer)?


Correctly fit a BP cuff by ensuring these measurements.

What is a cuff width at least 40% of the arm circumference and a bladder length surrounding at least 80% of the arm circumference?