History of Broadway
Token Characters
Modern Musicals
Musical Revivals

The name of a mega-musical from the Long Present of Broadway (1980s-now)

What is (variable answers: Rent, Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera)?


A common example of a token character.

What is (variable answers: Black best friend, old wise POC, only gay person, sassy latinx, asian good at math)?


The type of role that BIPOC usually have on Broadway.

What is understudy?


A reason musicals are revived on Broadway.

What is (variable responses: make more money, relate past stories to modern themes, give more people a chance to watch)?


1st Asian person to win a Tony Award.

Who is Lea Salonga?


The name of a musical from the Golden Age of Broadway (1940s-1960s)

What is (variable answers: West Side Story, the Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof)?


The token character in Dear Evan Hansen.

Who is Alana Beck?


A musical biopic about a Black artist.

What is (variable answers: Tina, Summer, Ain't Too Proud, MJ the musical)


A musical revival with a majority Black cast.

What is (variable answers: The Color Purple, Once on this Island, Porgy and Bess, Ragtime)?


The average percentage of Tony nominees that are white.

What is 95%


The name of a musical from the Musical Comedy era of Broadway (1900s-1940s)

What is (variable answers: Porgy and Bess, Anything Goes, Showboat)?


A token character in Mean Girls.

Who is (variable response: Gretchen, Damian, Kevin Gnapoor)?


A reason the musical Aladdin is problematic.

What is never casting a South Asian actor/generalizing Asian and Middle Eastern ethnicities/having a token character?


A musical with an originally all-white cast that had a more diverse cast in its revival.

What is (variable answers: Carousel, Oklahoma!, Pasadena Little Shop of Horrors)


A popular creative team on Broadway.

What is (variable answers: Lin Manuel Miranda/Thomas Kail/Alex Lacamoire, Pasek and Paul, Ahrens and Flaherty, Rodgers and Hammerstein)?


A character type who is usually a female romantic lead, portrayed as innocent and naive.

What is an ingenue?


A reason token characters are harmful.

What is poor representation based on stereotypes?


Something good and bad related to BIPOC in Hamilton.

What is many POC roles and misinformation about slavery?


A musical revival written by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty centering Black characters.

What is Once on This Island or Ragtime?


Name of Instagram campaign started by Frozen actress Aisha Jackson.

What is #TheaterInColor?


The song type that a character will sing at the beginning of the show to say who they are/what they want.

What is an establishing song?


A way to fix the problem of token characters.

What is casting more BIPOC in shows/producing shows written by BIPOC?


A major contradiction of the musical Wicked.

What is being a show about metaphors to racism that mostly casts white people as the lead?


One pro and one con of reviving musicals with an all-POC cast.

What is opportunities for POC to perform and only producing stories that are not modern?


Name of a group fighting for racial justice on Broadway during the pandemic.

What is We See You White American Theater?