This night Bern (and Sara) greened out for the first time.
Wha is Ashley's Birthday.
This man got his nickname for saying the N-word!
Who is Jacob Jones AKA Dreadhead
This frat is where Bern had her first kiss!
What is Pikapp
This man tried to go home with a certain person in the group- while having a wife and a kid...
Who is Nicky Rudd
This phrase is used when Sara does something really iffy
What is "Really Sara"
This night everyone got all "dressed" up only to have to go home and change.
Halloween night 3 2024
This man got his nickname because he is a bit slow looking almost a goofy ____
This frat belongs to THE campus celebrity.
What is Sig Chi
This man claimed to be Alyssa's future boyfriend at a thirsty Thursday
Who is Enzo
This phrase is used when someone in the group uses a word that is a bit out of their vocabulary
Isaac's Beer!
What is Bern's Birthday.
This man’s nickname was born after he taught a girl a dance with some intricate twists and turns
Who is Ben Childs aka Pretzel
This frat is where Sara "dropkicked" a former Alyssa love interest
What is ATO
This man tried to "rizz" up three different girls in the friend group(two in the same night)
Who is Tarek Stevenson
This phrase is used when a certain person in the group acts a little darker than their actual complexion
What is "It's that Glockton coming out"
This day the infamous bouncy house picture was taken.
What is Dia del Oso 2024.
This nickname was given to a man who has a last name that goes hand in hand with a natural disaster.
Who is Liam Flood AKA Tsunami
This frat knocked out two of our lovely ladies out after they had a long day of moving and GROOVING
What is TKE
This man made a very interesting hand motion when talking to someone in the group on a night out
Who is Tommy Nail
This phrase was adopted from a past love interest of Alyssa and goes hand in hand with a quote for the "Nina girl"
What is "Your hella mean"
This night we were the last people at the frat and there were several tears shed by the mother of the group.
What is Beta Christmas party.
Michael Dally aka Tenner
This frat holds two men who encouraged the idea of Alyssa and Sara basically being Coachella last year
What is SAE
This man told your amazing host she was too pretty to fumble LOL
Who is Eron
other acceptable answers: 1902 man
This quote is used when someone speaks on something they definitely know nothing about!
What is "He told You that"