
How do we let our teacher know we want to share?

Raise our hand


How can you say hello to somebody properly in the hallway?

Silent wave, smile, etc.


True or false: We stand or kneel on our stool while we eat our lunch in the cafeteria. 


**Bonus: +100

How should we be at the table while we are eating?


True or False: Outside at recess it is okay to run and move around quickly!

True (as long as you are paying attention to your surroundings!)


Who is the person in charge on the bus?

The bus driver!


Describe a time in the classroom when students would be at a level 0. 

While the teacher is teaching or reading,

While classmates are sharing, etc.


True or false: While transitioning in the hallway, you should hold hands with classmates so they know where to go.


**Bonus: +100

Explain where your hands should be while walking in the hallway!


Describe two ways you should wait in line to pick up your lunch.

Quietly, patiently, calmly, etc.


Who can you ask for help while your are out at recess?

Any 2nd grade teacher or adult. (You don't always have to go to your classroom teacher)


True or False: We walk on the bus loop to find our bus safely.



Describe a time when you may need to use a volume 1 in the classroom.

Working with classmates or a small group, whisper reading, etc.


Why is it important to have a level 0 in the hallway. Explain!

Answers will vary.


What should you do in the cafeteria when the lights are turned off!?

Sit silent and listen for instructions! 


What should you do FIRST when you hear the whistle at the end of recess?

Collect the balls and equipment, THEN LINE UP!

Describe where your body should be while riding the bus. 

In your seat, inside the window, not in the aisle way, etc. 


True or false: When somebody says something unkind in the classroom, you should yell at them to be unkind back.


**BONUS: +100

Describe what you could do if someone says something unkind to you in the classroom?


Scenario: Somebody in front of you stops to bend down and tie their shoe while the class is walking to lunch. 

What should you do as the person behind them?

Go around the student tying their shoe and carefully continue walking. They will catch up when complete or an adult will stop to help them.


Scenario: You are having difficulty opening your bag of chips in the cafeteria. Your friend tells you to slam the bag on the table to get it to pop. What should you do?

Raise your hand and ask for help. Or ask the friends around you to help. DON'T pop your chip bag.


Scenario: You were shooting the basketball at recess and somebody got the rebound and started playing with your ball....What could you do?

Answers may vary


Scenario: You have assigned seats on the bus and the person you sit next to is always picking on you. It makes you upset, but you know that you have to stay in your assigned seat. 

What could you do?

Talk to you teacher, Ask to talk to the bus driver when getting off the bus, ask to talk to a counselor when you arrive at school, etc.