How many living room photos do we have?
What is 2 (can be argued)
Name of a girl who used to be in the friend group but has since left
Who is Sofia R
This person is from Nevada (Area 51 more specifically)
Who is Juan Pablo, JP, or JLo?
Clemson University Zip Code
What is 29632?
Name the three people that think they would make good presidents even though we all know they wont
Who is George, EJ, and Sarah?
Nicknames we call the end of the hall
What is the living room or the chairs
A certain character shows up to lowkey prey on Izzy, Morgan, and any woman of Asian features who is this?
Who is Holden?
This person has the most siblings
Who is Sarah?
Name people who don't live in the dorm in the friend group
Who is Juan, Ivan, and Izzy
The most common specific CURRENT major of the friend group?
What is mechanical engineering?
Date of the snow day where EJ made is first snow man
What is January 10th
Person who you don't trust to drive
who is George, EJ, Kirsten, or Keaton
Emma's Brother and Sister's name
Who is Evan and Jillian?
How many different homes will be in the friend group next year?
what is 6 (pier x2, J house, Izzy, George, Jack)
Kirstens home championship pool is named by this recently famous person's family?
Who is the CEO Killer or Luigi Mangione?
This event was the first time most of the friend group was intoxicated together
What is the club social?
Can be found rapping, smoking, judging your major, and anytime you want to watch a movie downstairs, these characters from far(ish) away are?
Who is KJ, Danny, or the kids from USC Aiken?
Only child in the friend group
Who is Morgan?
Name of the house Ivan, Juan, AJ, and EJ are living in
What is the J house
The only people in the groups with LABELED significant others currently
Who is Katie and Mary Alice
It was on this day that the living room got its first decorations
What is November 9th?
Though he may be gay Keaton is mighty, name one of the snap chat hoes that he talks to?
Who is Ashton, Jackson, or Turner?
George's Mother's Job?
What is choir singer or stay at home mom?
The person who was born the furthest away
Who is Mary Alice? (Colorado)
Name all fluent bi-linguists of the group
Who is Juan, EJ, Ivan, and AJ