Gems that Assist
pAssive skill tree
Recently Assked Questions

The new Chieftain ascendancies can grant these two support skills for skills socketed in body armour.

(need level #'s)

Level 30 Ancestral Cry

and Level 20 Fist of War


What is the new source of Ultimatum fragments?

Vaal side areas


What is the shortest base cooldown for a warcry? (presumably useful for Corrupting Cry!)

4 seconds (General's Cry)


Concussive Force provides two interesting benefits for melee stunning ignites. What are they?

(numbers not necessary)

Hits Stun as though dealing 50% more Melee Fire Damage

Ignites from Stunning Melee Hits deal 20% more Damage.


You can remove a tattoo with this currency item.

What is an Orb of Scouring?


The new Guardian ascendancies can grant a Sentinel of Radiance. This minion has two defensive benefits. What are they?

(numbers not necessary)

Take 10% of damage from hits against you

100% chance to taunt


Meticulous Appraiser converts what, into what?

Quant in maps into rarity


How much damage does Spellblade Support give you if you use Marohi? (~900 pdps two-handed mace)

Nothing; Spellblade only works with one-handed weapons.


An old passive skill tree cluster has been moved. Name either of the notables in that cluster.

Champion of the Cause, or Bannerman

This new support gem cannot support skills used by totems and minions.

What is trauma support?


The new Chieftain ascendancies can grant xx% chance for an enemy killed to explode, dealing yy% of their maximum life as fire damage.  

What are 5, and 500?

The "All Hands" keystone grants maps three things. One of these is, maps do not grant Master Missions when completed. What are the other two? (numbers not necessary).

40% chance to contain random Master encounter

Mods to chance to grant additional Master Missions instead apply to chance for that master to be randomly encountered in your maps at 150%.


Volatility support gives up to xx% more damage at Level 20 / Quality 0. Any number within 2 is acceptable.



Strength of Blood, the Timeless jewel keystone, now grants a benefit of m% [xyz] for every n% [abc].

(numbers not necessary)

2% additional Physical Damage Reduction for every 3% Life Recovery per second from Leech.


This is the name of the progress bar that replaces a countdown if you allocate a Legion keystone.

What is a "Schism"?


If you take Tasalio and Valako on Chieftain, what benefits to cold and lightning resistances, including max, does lv 21 Purity of Fire give (assuming 0% inc aura effect)?

21% cold and lightning res, 2% max cold and lightning res


Tormented spirits now have more life, scarier AI, and this decaying buff over 15 seconds.

Less damage taken, with increased damage taken per monster touched.


Name the 8 Orb skills!

Tornado, Frost Bomb, Orb of Storms, Galvanic Field, Winter Orb, Void Sphere, Hydrosphere, Cremation


What does the Vengeant Cascade anointable notable grant? (number not necessary)

150% increased projectile speed of returning projectiles.


At player level 85, the auras provided by Elemental Relics are approximately this level.

What is 27.5? (any number between 27 and 28, inclusive, is acceptable).


Harmony of Purpose now grants 3 things - 2 benefits to allies between those you are linked to, and 1 negative to enemies between allies you are linked to. Name these things.

* Lucky elemental damage with hits

* +5% max ele res (if just "max res", fiiiine)

* Cannot apply ele ailments


There are three new Beyond notables. Each of the Beyond bosses is associated with an item type. What are these item types? 

(no need for order) K'tash - div cards. Beidat - currency. Ghorr - unique items.


There are a few skills that use both weapons to hit once when dual-wielding. One of these is Riposte. What are the others 4?

Cleave, Dual Strike, Viper Strike, Whirling Blades


What's the new Totem mastery?

(number not necessary)

1% of Physical Attack Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you as Life.


These two atlas keystones stack, and can make Fortune Favours the Brave cost 4x as much.

What are "Overloaded Circuits" and "Bold Undertakings"?