This poetic form has 5 lines and follows a 2-4-6-8-2 syllable pattern.
What is a cinquain?
"The clouds were as fluffy as cotton candy" is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is a simile?
Descriptive language that appeals to the senses.
What is imagery?
This type of poetry does not follow any strict rules for rhyme or meter but still expresses emotion and imagery.
What is a free verse?
Which two types of figurative language both compare things, but one uses "like" or "as," and the other does not?
What are simile and metaphor?
This type of poem is often humorous, has 5 lines, and follows an AABBA rhyme scheme.
What is a limerick?
"The thunder roared. BOOM! CRASH!" This is an example of this sound-based literary device.
What is onomatopoeia?
A reference to a famous person, place, or event, like "He was a real Romeo!"
What is an allusion?
This short, Japanese-style poem has 3 lines and a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
What is a haiku?
"Boom! The thunder growled like an angry beast in the night." Which two figurative language techniques are used?
What are onomatopoeia and simile?
A formal poem of praise, written in honor of something or someone.
What is an ode?
An extreme exaggeration, like "I will never stop crying!"
What is a hyperbole?
Identify the rhyme scheme:
The sun is bright,
It shines all day,
It fades at night,
And it goes away.
What is ABAB?
This type of poem is often about praise or celebration and does not have a fixed rhyme scheme.
What is an ode?
"Her heart was a frozen lake, silent and still." Which two types of figurative language are used?
What are metaphor and imagery?
A long, narrative poem that tells a story, sometimes about heroes or legends, and often sad.
What is a ballad?
"The car groaned as it struggled up the hill" is an example of this.
What is personification?
"The first bite of the chocolate cake was a burst of rich, decadent flavor." This is an example of what literary device that creates vivid mental pictures?
What is imagery?
A limerick always follows this rhyme scheme.
What is AABBA?
"The moon winked from behind the clouds." Which two types of figurative language are used?
What are personification and imagery?
A 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme, often written in iambic pentameter.
What is a sonnet?
The phrase "original copy" is an example of this contradictory phrase.
What is an oxymoron?
This poetic term describes the pattern at the end of each line in a poem, often labeled with letters (ABAB, AABB).
What is a rhyme scheme?
A sonnet can be made up of 14 lines and follows a strict rhyme scheme. What is the most common rhyme scheme that a sonnet can follow?
Which two figurative language techniques can be combined in a single sentence? Example: "Her smile was the sun, warming up the coldest days."
What are metaphor and imagery?