Terms 1
Terms 2
Terms 3
The pattern of rhymes in a poem is called a (Hint: abab)
Rhyme scheme
In literature, poetry, and drama: When something in the story or play is used to represent a more significant idea or theme.
What is Symbolism
A type of literature and is written with the express purpose of bieng acted out on stage ...
What is Drama
A direct comparison of two unlike things (without using like or as). For example, "The boxer is a well oiled machine"
What is metaphor
In Literature, poetry, and drama: What is a comparison of two unlike things called. (Hint: metaphor and simile are both types of this)
What is Analogy
A type of drama in which the main character suffers a reversal of fortune, where he or she starts out on top, but through a series of decisions or situations winds up destroyed. (Hint: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar)
What is Tragedy
In poetry: A division of a poem with an arrangement of a certain number oflines (usually four or more) sometimes having a fixed length, meter, rhymes scheme. .
What is a Stanza
When you shorten a story by listing only the main points, this is called a ...
What is Summary
a type of writing that uses a lot of figurative language in order to sway someone's opinion about something toward the writer's view.
What is Rhetoric
In Literature, Poetry and Drama: What is the overall feeling or sense of a word called. (Hint: not denotation)
What is Connotation
In literature, poetry, and drama: a recurring idea or theme.
What is a Motif
the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. (Hint: the hero, the villain)
What is an Archetype
In Literature Poetry and Drama: the driving force that causes the character or persona to do what they do?
What is Motivation
In literature, poetry, and drama: a hint or clue about something that will happen later in the story is called ...
What is Foreshadowing
A comparson of two unlike things that uses like or as. For example "She runs like the wind"
What is a simile.