Edgar Allan Poe was born in this year.
What is 1809?
This poem is about a man who is visited by a raven that says the word “Nevermore.”
What is “The Raven”?
In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” what sound drives the narrator crazy and makes him confess to the crime?
What is the sound of the old man’s heartbeat?
In “The Cask of Amontillado,” this character is a wealthy man who is tricked into following his friend into a dark catacomb.
Who is Fortunato?
In “The Raven,” the narrator is alone in a dark room when the raven visits. What does this dark room symbolize in the story?
What is loneliness or sadness?
After his mother died when he was very young, Poe was taken in by a wealthy family in this city.
What is Richmond, Virginia?
n this short story, a man hides the body of his victim under the floorboards, but the sound of a heartbeat drives him mad.
What is "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator describes the old man's eye as "vulture-like." What sense does this appeal to?
What is sight (visual)?
In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator claims he is not mad but is driven to murder by this part of the old man. What is it?
What is the old man's eye?
In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the narrator continues to hear the old man's heartbeat. What does this constant sound symbolize?
What is guilt?
Poe's wife passed away from a disease when she was just 24 years old. What was her name?
Who is Virginia Clemm?
In this poem, the narrator feels hopeless and sad after losing someone he loved, and he is visited by a talking bird.
What is “The Raven”?
In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Poe describes the catacombs as damp and cold. What sense is being used here?
What is touch?
In "The Cask of Amontillado," this man seeks revenge on his friend Fortunato. Who is he?
What is Montresor?
In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs for revenge. What does the Amontillado wine symbolize in the story?
What is temptation, deception, or a false promise to achieve revenge?
Poe died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 40. In which city did this happen?
What is Baltimore?
In this story, the narrator describes his obsession with an old man’s "vulture-like" eye, which leads him to murder the man.
What is "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
In “The Raven,” the narrator’s emotions are so intense, he feels a "shivering" as the raven speaks. What sense is this describing?
What is touch (feeling or tactile)?
In “The Raven,” the narrator is mourning the death of his lover. What is her name?
What is Lenore?
In “The Raven,” the narrator mentions the Plutonian shore, a place from the underworld. What does the Plutonian shore symbolize in the story?
What is death or the afterlife?
In addition to his famous poems and stories, Poe is also known for this genre of writing, where he would analyze and review other people's works.
What is literary criticism?
In this short story, the narrator murders his wife after being driven mad by a black cat. The cat’s presence haunts him throughout the story.
What is "The Black Cat"?
In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Poe describes the cold, damp air of the catacombs. What mood do these sensory details help create?
What is a feeling of danger or unease?
In "The Raven," the narrator is deeply troubled by the bird. What does he want from the raven?
What are answers or relief from sorrow?
In both “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Cask of Amontillado,” the setting is dark and mysterious. What do these dark settings symbolize in both stories?
What is danger or hidden intentions?