Compares two things using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
What poetic device is at work in the following line: Ducks danced delightfully on the pool deck!
What is alliteration?
A form of poetry without any kind of pattern, in rhythm, rhyme scheme, or line length.
What is free verse?
The author's attitude a poem implies.
What is Tone?
The person who writes a poem.
Who is a poet?
I am so hungry I could eat a horse!
What is a hyperbole?
What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?
I heard a bird sing/ In the dark of December./ A magical thing /And sweet to remember.
What is ABAB ?
A four lined poem with a specific rhyming pattern.
What is a quatrain?
What tone is implied by this statement? GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!
What is frustrated/annoyed?
A group of lines of poetry (like a paragraph)
What is a stanza?
You are a shining star!
What is a metaphor?
What is the Rhyme Scheme in this poem?
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down and broke his crown
and Jill came tumbling after.
What is ABCD?
A stanza made up of two lines that rhyme.
What is a couplet?
A view about life that is not directly stated. A lesson the author wants us to take away from the poem.
What is theme?
The appearance of words on a page that forms stanzas.
What is a line?
The flame of the candle danced in the wind.
What is personification?
What is the Rhyme Scheme
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
What is AABB?
A type of poetry that is a Japanese poem and typically talks about nature.
What is a Haiku poem?
The feeling or atmosphere of a poem.
What is mood?
What movie is this quote from
"My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get".
What is Forest Gump?
Words whose sound suggests their meaning.
What is onomatopoeia?
What is the rhyme scheme? DOUBLE JEOPARDY
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/ And sorry I could not travel both/ And be one traveler, long I stood/ And looked down one as far as I could/ To where it bent in the undergrowth;
What is ABAAB?
This type of poetry has five lines and is a humorous poem.
What is Limerick?
Word specially selected to create an image in a person's head.
What is imagery?
Double Jeopardy
What is this movie quote from
“I'm the king of the world!”
What is Titanic?