Reading Skills
Figurative Language
Author's Purpose

Based on lines 17-18 in “Hurricane,” the reader can conclude that the speaker - 

A   thinks that the reader is neglecting what the speaker is saying. 

B   wants to shift the reader’s attention to something unexpected.

C  remembers something new and wants to share it with the reader.  

D  hopes the reader understands the difference between their experience and the trees.   

B   wants to shift the reader’s attention to something unexpected.


How does the speaker in “Hurricane” feel about the possibility of experiencing a similar rejuvenation as the trees?

A  anxious

B   hopeful

C  indifferent

D  cynical

B   hopeful


In “Hurricane,” what figurative language device is used in the line "The wind tore at the trees, the rain fell for days slant and hard"?

A  simile

B   metaphor

C  personification 

D  hyperbole

C  personification 


In “Hurricane,” what is the author most likely suggesting by describing the trees as pushing new leaves "from their stubbed limbs"?

A  The resilience and perseverance of nature

B   The destructive force of the hurricane

C  The inevitability of change and renewal

D  The indifference of the trees to their surroundings

A  The resilience and perseverance of nature


What aspect of human emotion do "A Poison Tree" and "Hurricane" both explore?

A  The inevitability of forgiveness

B   The power of denial

C  The complexity of anger

D   The beauty of solitude

C  The complexity of anger


In “Hurricane,” the poet most likely repeats the words “The back of the hand to everything” to -  

A   describe how events in nature are cyclical and often repeat throughout history. 

B    demonstrate the way that the trees and the speaker both found ways to fight back. 

C   show how both the actual hurricane and the metaphorical hurricane were similarly destructive.

D   express a feeling of surprise about the way the speaker’s life turned out differently than expected.

C   show how both the actual hurricane and the metaphorical hurricane were similarly destructive.


Which statement from “Hurricane” best describes the theme of the poem? 

A  It is hard to predict when bad things will happen. 

B   It is understandable to be afraid of natural disasters. 

C  Humans can learn from the perseverance of the natural world.

D  There is a correct time and an incorrect time for everything to occur. 

C  Humans can learn from the perseverance of the natural world.


How does the imagery of the trees pushing new leaves in the wrong season contribute to the overall theme of resilience and adaptation in “Hurricane”?

 A  It symbolizes the trees' defiance against nature's norms

B  It represents a lack of understanding of seasonal  changes

C  It signifies the trees' inability to adapt to their environment

D  It highlights the trees' determination to thrive despite adversity

D  It highlights the trees' determination to thrive despite adversity


What does the author of “Hurricane” imply by stating "For some things there are no wrong seasons" in the context of the poem?

A  Nature follows its own rhythm, regardless of human perception

B   Seasons serve as symbols of life's cyclical nature

C  Timing is irrelevant in the face of natural processes 

D  Life finds a way to flourish despite adversity

B   Seasons serve as symbols of life's cyclical nature


How do the resolutions in "A Poison Tree" and "Hurricane" differ?

A  In "APT," the resolution comes through confrontation, while in "H," it comes through acceptance.

B   In "APT," the resolution leads to reconciliation, while in "H," it leads to destruction.

C   In "APT," the resolution is driven by vengeance, while in "H," it is driven by survival.

D   In "APT," the resolution is temporary, while in "H," it is permanent. 

C   In "APT," the resolution is driven by vengeance, while in "H," it is driven by survival.


Based on “A Poison Tree,” what can be inferred about the consequences of the speaker's actions toward their foe?

A The speaker's actions led to a resolution of the conflict

B The speaker's actions escalated the conflict and resulted in harm.

C The speaker's actions were motivated by a desire for revenge. 

D The speaker's actions were ultimately ineffective in addressing their anger. 

B The speaker's actions escalated the conflict and resulted in harm.


Which of the following best describes a major theme of “A Poison Tree”?

A   Deceitful people are always punished by their own trickery.

B   Envy and greed can permanently damage a relationship.

C  Bottling up one's feelings leads to resentment and even violence.

D  A healthy friendship is built on trust and communication. 

C. Bottling up one's feelings leads to resentment and even violence.


In “A Poison Tree,” what figurative language device is used in the line "And I waterd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears"?

A   metaphor

B   simile

C   personification

D   hyperbole

A   metaphor


What purpose does the repetition of the phrase "my wrath" serve in “A Poison Tree”?

A  To emphasize the intensity of the speaker's anger

B   To highlight the speaker's struggle with forgiveness 

C  To create a rhythmic pattern within the poem

D  To suggest the speaker's lack of control over their emotions

A  To emphasize the intensity of the speaker's anger


What is a common theme explored in both "A Poison Tree" and "Hurricane"?

A  The destructive power of natural forces

B   The inevitability of conflict in human relationships

C  The consequences of harboring negative emotions

D   The beauty and resilience of nature

C  The consequences of harboring negative emotions


What can be inferred about the speaker's attitude towards handling anger in “A Poison Tree”?

A  The speaker believes in openly expressing anger to resolve conflicts.

B   The speaker prefers to suppress their anger to maintain peace.

C  The speaker enjoys nurturing their anger to seek revenge.

D  The speaker regrets not expressing their anger openly to their foe.

C  The speaker enjoys nurturing their anger to seek revenge.


Which of the following quotes best helps develop the theme of “A Poison Tree”?

A  "I was angry with my friend; / I told my wrath,  my wrath did end." (Lines 1-2) 

B  "I was angry with my foe: / I told it not, my wrath did grow." (Lines 3-4)

C  "And I sunned it with smiles, / And with soft deceitful wiles." (Lines 7-8)

D   "And my foe beheld it shine, / And he knew that it was mine." (Lines 11-12) 

B. "I was angry with my foe: / I told it not, my wrath did grow." (Lines 3-4)


In“A Poison Tree,” what is the effect of the alliteration in line 7? 

A It imitates the sound of the wind.

B  It creates a sneaky mood. 

C It repeats the sound of s.

D It creates a positive, optimistic tone. 

B  It creates a sneaky mood. 


What is the purpose of speaker’s actions in the first stanza in relation to the action in “A Poison Tree”? 

A  The speaker expresses their anger to their friend but withholds this anger from their foe, creating some tension between the friend and the foe.

B   The speaker tricks the foe into trusting them by hiding their anger in the first stanza and offering the foe a poisoned apple later on in the poem.

C   The speaker does not express their anger to their foe, and because of this, their anger worsens until it eventually grows into a poisonous tree.

D      The speaker acts differently towards their friend than their foe, which makes the foe jealous and pushes them to steal from the speaker. 

C   The speaker does not express their anger to their foe, and because of this, their anger worsens until it eventually grows into a poisonous tree.


How do the tones of "A Poison Tree" and "Hurricane" differ?

A   "APT" has a tone of resignation, while "H" has a tone of defiance.

B    "APT" has a tone of vengeance, while "H" has a tone of reflection.

C "APT” has a tone of optimism, while "H" has a tone of despair.

D  "APT" has a tone of indifference, while "H" has a tone of urgency.

B    "APT" has a tone of vengeance, while "H" has a tone of reflection.