What does "tanka" translate to?
"Little Song"
Who is considered to be the father of free verse poems?
Walt Whitman
Concrete poems date all the way back to Ancient Greece with the practice of...
technopaegnia or "shaped poetry"
Who is credited with first popularizing the sonnets?
Popularized by Francesco Petrarca, known as Petrarch
During the Renaissance, villanelles were known as...
Italian and Spanish dance-songs
Where were tankas traditionally often used?
Japanese Imperial Court
The organization of a free verse poem is best described as... (1 adjective)
In the 16th century, concrete poems were often about religious subjects. They commonly came in which two shapes?
Octave (first 8 lines)
Sestet (final 6 lines)
Volta (shift on the 9th line)
Villanelles originally began as much more freeform, but gradually became rigid and structured. When did this shift occur, and who was responsible for it?
Shift occurred in the 17th century when French poet Jean Passerat published a poem entitled "Villanelle”
Which group/type of people would often write tankas?
Members of the imperial court
Subjects of free verse poems are often about...
personal experiences, emotions, and ideas
There must be a BLANK between the message or meaning of the poem and its visual appearance
Strong relationship
What is the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet?
The early form of villanelles were often about...
Pastoral scenes or rustic life
What is the name of the original poem from which haikus come from?
(& hokkus = first part of a renga)
Define free verse poem
poetry organized to the cadences of speech and image patterns rather than according to a regular metrical scheme
In the 1950s, which group of people repopularized the concrete poem?
What MUST a narrative poem follow?
Freytag's Pyramid / the 5 elements of plot
How many lines are in a villanelle and what is the general structure?
19 lines
5 tercets (stanzas composed of 3 lines each)
1 ending quatrain (4-line stanza)
How many lines & syllables are in a tanka?
5 lines, 31 syllables
Free verse is also related to a literary movement in France in the 1880s called...
Vers libre
Concrete poems are more than just words on a page, they are an...
art object
1. Epic
2. Ballad
3. Idyll
4. Lay
5. Novel in verse
Villanelles have two BLANK and what are they
2 refrains
Repeating lines (in specific locations)